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We are discussing questions of vegetable growing at the international level


On February 19, 2015, on the basis of the Stavropol state agrarian university with the assistance of OOO "Agrosfera” the sixth International conference "Tendencies and Problems of the Development of Vegetable Growing in 2015" took place.

The rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor V. I. Trukhachev opened the conference and urged the guests of the conference to pass into the status of partners of the university. Then the floor was taken by the Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Krai A.V. Martychev who reported on the development of vegetable growing in the region.

Also the director of partnership of vegetable growers of Stavropol Krai V. K. Tselovalnikov, the general director of the Cora Seeds company (Italy) Maurizio Bacchi, the representative of the Toro Ag company (Italy) Woolf Kollmayer, the representatives of the ItalPolina companies (Italy), AgroPlant (Netherlands), Sator made a speech at conference.

At the conference, the partners of the Agrosfera company from Italy and the Netherlands presented novelties of seeds of vegetable crops, water-soluble fertilizers, innovative development in the field of drop watering, and also world-class agricultural machinery for vegetable growers of the South of Russia.

The heads of farms, agronomists and vegetable growers not only from Stavropol Krai, but also from other regions of Russia took an interest in the conference. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.02.2015
Номер новости для фото:  5

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