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The employer comes to students


On February 27, 2015 the Head of personnel policy department of JSC «Energomera Concern» Evgeny Larskoy met the students of final years of economics department.

During dialogue questions of passing work practice by students and the subsequent employment were brought up. The special attention was paid to formation of a portrait of the modern economist and disclosure professional competences which the graduate has to possess to be demanded in labor market.

Also the presentation about achievements of holding and the movie about concern was presented to the students.

JSC « Concern Energomera» − is the strategic partner of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the diversified industrial holding which is deeply integrated into world economy. The enterprise is being in the market during 20 years and it is the only hi-tech industrial company in Russia occupying in the segment the biggest share in the world market. The number of staff of the company is exceeded by the 5000th persons. The revenue of the company for 2013 makes more than 8 billion rubles. Production of the company is developed by 2 own design institutes and made at 8 industrial enterprises located in Russia and abroad. The company has the representations in the USA, Europe and Asia. More than 40% of production are exported to 25 countries of the world. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.03.2015
Номер новости для фото:  12

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