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Mr. University − 2015


On March 4, 2015 in the assembly hall of the Stavropol State Agrarian University the competition "Mr. University – 2015 " passed. It traditionally is one of the most interesting and bright events of SSAU. Every year show becomes more fascinating, and an intrigue who will become a winner, more and more exciting. "Mr. University" is an honor for each participant to represent the faculty, opportunity to prove talents, and also to open new opportunities.

8 brave guys competed for the right to possess the main title, showing to the audience and jury not only fine external data, but also intelligence, ingenuity, originality, creative opportunities.

In the first competition "Mr. Gentleman" contestants left in original tuxedos of handwork which reflected identity of each of participants. But the jury should estimate not only appearance and originality of children, but also their answers to questions of the leading competition − Ivan Maklakov.

In the following stage "Mr. on a Beach" young people appeared in beach images and showed excellent physical forms.

Further one of the most important stages – "Mr. Creativity" followed. Participants were necessary to show to judges and the audience the talents in all their completeness. This year participants showed various dances from classical to modern, from national Irish dance to acrobatic numbers. Speech of the representative of Technological management faculty Alexey Martynov who prepared the musical as a creative task became surprise for all hall.

At the last stage with the name "Classic's Mr." contestants appeared in classically strict image.

The intrigue who will become the title holder "Mr. university − 2015" remained till the last moment. As a result the places were distributed as follows:

"Mr. of plastic" − student of Registration and financial faculty Artem Oganyan;

"Mr. Stil" − student of faculty Agrobiology and land resources Artur Patalakha;

"Mr. artistry" − student of Electrical power faculty Vadim Shpak;

"Mr. creativity" − student of faculty of Veterinary medicine Kirill Fishchev;

"Mr. sport" − student of faculty of ecology and landscape architecture Roman Bogatyuk;

"The second vice-Mr.University" − student of economics department Sergey Bugriyev;

"The first vice-Mr. University" − student of faculty of Farm mechanization Stanislav Moskalenko;

In the additional nomination "Mr. Photo" the victory was won by the student of faculty Agrobiology and land resources Artur Patalakha. By results of vote of students on the Internet "The prize of spectator sympathies" was won by the student of faculty of Farm mechanization Stanislav Moskalenko.

And the student of Technological management faculty Alexey Martynov got a victory and the title "Mr. University − 2015".  

Дата новости для фото:  05.03.2015
Номер новости для фото:  12

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