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Coffee by the rules


"The technology of cooking and serving cappuccino evening" - so called Master- class, who spent Andrei Chepkiy, professional barista, a specialist in cooking coffee with eight years of experience, for students directions "World Economy", "Service and Tourism". Andrew works in the Italian restaurant "Pipironi" in Stavropol.

Master -class was held in the specialized training classes of the Faculty Socio-cultural service and tourism - the tea room. Students knew the design and usage rules triplex coffee machines, the use of which allows to prepare aromatic cappuccino. Andrew showed all the art of "painting" on the breast foam that appears on the right preparation of beverages. At the end of the session all of them tasted freshly brewed coffee, which was especially nice on the eve of March 8.

According to the results of an unusual class all participants received certificates in English and Russian languages, acknowledges their ability to properly prepare and bring this flavored drink to the visitors.

Technology of preparation of an evening cappuccino is not only this Master- class that will be expected by the students. In the near future, the Assistant professor of service and tourism V.S. Varivoda and A.G. Ivolga, the employees of the Institute of additional vocational training will organize for University students a lot of other activities on holding tea ceremony, culture of juice consumption.  

Дата новости для фото:  06.03.2015
Номер новости для фото:  12

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