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Developing spiritual safety


As a part of preventive measures in order to prevent the spread of radical Islam in the North Caucasus, at Stavropol State Agrarian University there were organized the round tables "Formation of immunity to the ideology of radicalism in the outlook of youth" and "Youth and ethno-religious radicalism are incompatible". Discussions took place at the Faculty of Economics, Technological Management, Veterinary Medicine, Electric Power Engineering, and in the hostel number 1.

Teachers of the department of philosophy and history told about the techniques of involving youth into radical Islamist circles and methods to counter them. Then a film based on real events was shown "Modern recruitment. Caution - ZOMBIES". The audience watched it with great interest. Students made presentations and took an active part in the discussion - it aroused great interest, which indicates the urgency of the problem.

Organizers of the event are the Department of Philosophy and History (Head - Associate Professor N.G. Guzynin) and the Dean's Offices of the faculties. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.03.2015
Номер новости для фото:  13

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