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The prize for "Best joke" at the festival of the "Caucasus"League went to the SSAU team


March , 19 2015, the festival of the regional League "Caucasus" of the international Union of KVN took place. The new season was opened by 14 teams from around the district, as well as guests from Yerevan. Stand-up comedians have been entertaing the audience for two hours.

Traditionally, members of the jury are known throughout the country as stand-up comedians, this time Stavropol again visited the champion of KVN League from the team "Maximum", resident of Comedy Club Serge Gorelikov.

Team of the SSAU "Ne po Freidu" has not left the festival with empty hands, the guys got the prize for "Best joke".

In May the first game of the season will take place where all teams will compete for the semi-finals. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.03.2015
Номер новости для фото:  7

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