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We congratulate winners of the III Interregional Contest on taxes and the taxation!


Students of the Faculty of accounting and finance took part in the III Interregional Contest on taxes and the taxation and showed excellent results. The Tax Union team (3 courses of the Faculty of accounting and finance, the Finance and Credit profile) won a victory in the nomination "Improvement of Tax Management" and gained the diploma of the I degree. The head – associate Professor Irina Ivanovna Glotova. The U.R.O.N. team ( participants –3 courses of the Faculty of accounting and finance, the "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" profile, and 4 courses, the Finance and Credit profile) is awarded by the diploma of the II degree in the nomination "Tax Consultation". The head – associate Professor Elena Nikolaevna Lapina.

In individual competition the student of 3 course, the "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" profile, Oksana Barsukova gained the diploma of the II degree in the nomination Tax culture; the student of 3 course, the Finance and Credit profile) Ekaterina Kopylova – the diploma of the III degree in the nomination "Analytical Activity in the Taxation".

19 teams from 16 higher education institutions of Russia, including students of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Rostov state economic university (RSEU), Kuban state agricultural university, Peter the Great St. Petersburg state polytechnical university took part in the III Interregional Contest. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.03.2015
Номер новости для фото:  20

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