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The ways of a sustainable development of rural territories were looked for at the agricultural university


On April 2, the "Search of Models of a Sustainable Development of Rural Territories" conference took place at the Stavropol state agricultural university. The chairman of the State Duma Committee of Federal Assembly on agrarian questions Nikolay Pankov, the vice-chairman of the State Duma Committee of Federal Assembly on agrarian questions Nadezhda Shkolkina, the chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Territory Yury Bely, the rector of the Stavropol state agricultural university Vladimir Trukhachev, deputies of the Duma of Stavropol Krai, members of the government of Stavropol Krai, heads of the enterprises of agro-industrial complex, various forms of ownership, representatives of local governments of rural territories took part in the work of the conference.

Within conference, meetings of the round work tables on subjects: "Development and an organic combination of various forms of managing in the village: agroholdings, farming, homestead economy" and "Quality of country people life. A role of state authority and local government in the development of rural territories" passed.

The analysis of a state and prospect of the development of various forms of managing in the agrarian sphere was submitted by the rector of the Stavropol state agricultural university, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Trukhachev during one of the meetings. In particular, in his report it is noted that there was a corporate agrarian structure where the agricultural organizations form 60% of gross output, and the share of personal subsidiary farms of the population makes 27% and peasantry farms of 13% in the region. Thus, production of the most labor-consuming types of products is concentrated in the personal subsidiary farms of the population processing less than 2% of the areas of agricultural lands. They are also the main producers of various types of livestock production. So, in 2014 they produced 80% of milk, 36% of meat, 54% of eggs, 80% of potatoes, 57% of fruits, 33% of vegetables. Thus, over a half of gross production of milk, eggs, potatoes and more than one third of meat in the region is produced on the basis of ineffective and labor-consuming technologies. At the same time scientific researches and practice show that engines of agricultural production are the large agricultural organizations, agroholdings. They import innovation, introduce progressive technologies, conduct expanded reproduction, carry out assignment to the social development of the village due to profit makeup. "Thus, the purposeful policy of authorities has to promote formation of market agrarian structures as uniform multipurpose and viable formations providing employment of country people and stability of rural territories" − the speaker summed up the performance result.

During dialogue with the head of the profile State Duma Committee, landowners of Stavropol Territory noted a number of the problems existing in the villag, among which are inaccessibility of the credits, impossibility of direct realization of their own agricultural production, nonoperational bringing financing to landowners, need of social responsibility of the investors working at the village, fear that small forms of farms will be replaced with agroholdings.

The conference came to the end with a plenary session during which participants discussed revival of rural cooperation, diversification of economy of villages and small towns in rural areas, development of small forms of managing in the village, personnel and scientific providing of rural development policy. The special attention was paid to questions of the state support of agriculture and bringing subsidies to landowners.

Summing up the results of conference, the chairman of the State Duma Committee of Federal Assembly on agrarian questions Nikolay Pankov noted that "Stavropol Territory is a large region with a worthy agrarian potential. There is a great merit of the Stavropol landowners ensuring food security of the country. These are competent people; these are high technologies, it is experiences for the Territory, for result of the work". 

Дата новости для фото:  02.04.2015
Номер новости для фото:  9

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