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Excursion to the biolaboratory "Rosselhoztcenter"


Students of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Environment and Landscape Architecture Faculties visited biolaboratory of FSBE "Rosselhoztcenter" in the Stavropol Region. Here, under the direction of professor of chemistry and plant protection E.V. Chenikalova, they met with the manufacturing processes of biological crop protection products: biologics bitoksibatsillin, trichoderma, and entomophagous trichogramma and gabrobrakona. It should be noted that in the laboratory work graduates of Plant Protection Faculty of SSAU. During the lesson, students listened with interest to professionals in each unit of production. Finally, they answered the questions, in particular about the features of the production of entomophages, regulation of their use in different agro-ecological conditions and in different cultures, a comparative assessment of the economic efficiency of crop protection and biological plant protection chemicals. Particularly active students discussed the advantages of biological plant protection in the preparation of environmentally friendly products. Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection maintains permanent partnerships with "Rosselhoztcenter" - leading manufacturer of biological plant protection in the Stavropol Region. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.04.2015
Номер новости для фото:  5

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