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The winner of the league of KVN intrahigh


April 7, 2015 the final of the league of KVN intrahigh SSAU. The finalists for the jury's decision came three teams: team faculties Agrobiology and land resources and the environment and landscape design team electricity Faculty and the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization and the team of the Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism. The game took place in four stages: greeting, warm, STEM and musical homework.

According to the results of the final league of KVN champion intrahigh SSAU 2014-2015 was the team of the Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism, the second place was the team of the electricity department and the faculty of agricultural mechanization, the third place team faculties Agrobiology and land resources and the environment and landscape design. KVNschiki best season was member of the team of the Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism Elena Shlyakhova.

On stage this evening and came KVNschiki who gave many years of development of this movement in the university. This year they are available from the university and because memory guys medals awarded "Honorary KVNschikov SSAU." They were received by a student of the Faculty of Technology Management Semyon Semyonov, a student of Accounting and Finance Department Philip Prozorov, the students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources Yervant Yenoqyan and Vladimir Bespalov, a student at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Ekaterina Kotova. Also, the medal "Honor KVNschiki SSAU" and went to one of the members of the jury Vyacheslav Kite, who played for the national team Agricultural University "45th Parallel" many years ago. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.04.2015
Номер новости для фото:  9

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