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The competition for the title of the best students in Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine best"


The results of the competition for the title of the best students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine of the best" in March.

"Nine of the best" - a competition to identify the best students from each department, who showed outstanding performance in teaching, research, social, cultural, artistic, sporting life of the university and beyond. When assessing the contestants were taken into account special achievements in the development of programs of higher education, scientific research, the results of extracurricular activities.

The best students in March 2015 were:

Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources

ANATOLY CHUDENTSOV – 3rd year student, excellent students, the elder academic team, a member of the scientific and practical conferences, author of scientific articles. Fellow of the Academic Council SSAU and OOO "Syngenta" in 2015. Medalist gathering student production teams in the competition "vegetable growers." Volunteer charity events: "Clean Forest", "Clean City", "The Blood Service." Member of the university, city and regional events, promotional trips and charity concerts. One of the leaders of the student group "Care", which is a patron of children's home № 12 them. Zatsepin, children's shelter "Dewdrop" in Stavropol, children's shelter on farm base, correctional school number 14. Konstantinovsky.

Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture

ANDREW ZGIERKO – 2nd year student, excellent students, the elder of the course. Actively involved in teaching, research, social activities of the faculty, the university. Author of scientific articles. Grant holder of the North Caucasus Forum "Mashuk - 2014" (project "NC Magazine" in social networks). Member of the federal project "No tinting" and regional volunteer actions: "Volunteers for Children", "Clean Planet", "Putting a child in school," Festival "Friendship of People of the Caucasus". Organizer of youth Educational Forum "Search". He was awarded the trophy "The success of the summer labor semester - 2014" (Stavropol, SSAU). Was selected for the agricultural practices on the LOGO program in Germany (2015).

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

GALINA KHADYKINA – 5th year student, excellent student, a member of the student union committee. The head of the dance group of the Faculty «Summer dance», an active organizer of cultural events. Repeated winner of creative university competitions: "Young Talents", "Student Spring", "Carnival", "Soldier envelope", "Golden Voice of the University" School of the asset. Participant of "Mr. and Miss University" (2011-2014 gg.), the student festival "Friendship of People", student conferences on healthy lifestyles, anti-smoking drug. Member of the student agricultural group "Aibolit." An independent observer in the Presidential elections of the Russian Federation (March 4, 2012). Participant of the Youth Forum "Your Choice", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the electoral system of the Russian Federation.

Faculty of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism

MARIA YAKOVLEVA – 5th year student, excellent student, a member of the Stavropol city public organization "Union of Youth of Stavropol ', a member of the volunteer movement SSAU. Active participant and organizer of various artistic and cultural events: Open Day, "Miss freshman of the Faculty of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism", "Youth Science Festival" and others. The organizer of activities for young people and students in the Youth League of Stavropol - bowling tournaments , art professionals, forums, CFI tournaments for students in vocational schools, seminars "Path to Success", "Best are with us." For excellence in education, research work and social life of the university awarded the medal "the pride and glory of the University."

Accounting and Finance Faculty

MARIA BOYKO – 2nd year student, a member of the trade union committee of SSAU, commissioner of the volunteer group "Tolk", she is in the Group's assets, the chairman of educational committee of the course. Awarded by certificates for active participation in the life of the faculty and the university. Takes an active part in the activities of the faculty, the university and the city: "I choose sport", "Health Day" and many others. Participant and organizer of the school asset "Trade union leader of SSAU" volunteer actions: "Flowers of Russia to mothers", "Children are our all," "bow to those great years ...", "" Basket with gifts for orphans "," Gifts to every home "" With respect and love from the grandchildren "," Picture of Victory ", the Day of the Russian Flag, Donor Day et al. She was a part of the All-Russian volunteer corps of the 70th anniversary of the Victory. An active participant in the regional project for the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory - game-quest "Back - to the past!".

She was trained at the Institute of additional professional education of Stavropol State Agrarian University on the program "Improving communication skills in English."

Faculty of Economics

SERGEY BUGRIEV – 3rd year student, excellent students. Member of the university community «Golden foxes» (winner of the State Duma of the Russian Federation premium "Discovery of the Year"). Medalist intercollegiate of Forum "Your Choice - 2014". Winner of regional and city stages of the All-Russian Festival "Student's Spring". Participant and winner of contest "Mr. University - 2015". Winner of intrahigh competitions and festivals: "Young Talents", "Placer of talents." Member of concerts dedicated to Defender of the Motherland Day, International Women's Day, New Year, Carnival, and others. An active participant in career-guidance activities of the university. Science writer and member of the scientific and practical conferences.

Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization

STANISLAV MOSKALENKO – 3rd year student, excellent student, a member of the trade union committee of students of SSAU, fighter of student specialized unit "Kolos", an active organizer and participant in various university and city sports, artistic and cultural events: School of the asset, the Day of Knowledge, "Young Talents "" Student's Spring "," Carnival "," Mr. University ". Participated in exhibitions "Agrouniversal" (2014-2015 gg.. "Co-author of two scientific articles.

Electricity Faculty

LUBOV MAKSIMOVA – 5th year student, excellent student, a member of the Union Bureau, a member of the All-Russian public and political youth organization Young Guard of United Russia, the elder of the group. Active participant of intrahigh competitions: "Young Talents", "Student's Spring" and others. Participant of exemplary ensemble "Stanichniki." Author of scientific articles.

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