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Problems of Modern Economics were discussed at a conference in SSAU


From 8 to 9 of April in Stavropol State Agrarian University was held an international scientific-practical conference "Regional development model: the determinants of economics and marketing."

Among the participants of the conference was Minister of Economic Development of the Stavropol Territory Y.N. Kosarev, submit a report on the prospects for strengthening the brand of the Stavropol Territory.

About the geo-economic imperatives of South Russian regions in the new geopolitical format told Director of the North Caucasus Research Institute of Economic and Social Problems, Southern Federal University, academician IHEAS, Doctor of Economics, Professor V.N. Ovchinnikov.

Then there were the issues of territorial marketing and the possibility of entering into a regional development model. Report on the subject was made by head of the department of marketing and communications in the business of Southern Federal University, Doctor of Economics, Professor N. P. Ketova.

Also among the considered issues were "Infrastructural support the modernization of the livestock industries", "Natural-adaptive vector of the southern regions of Russia", "Software development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Stavropol region."

On the second day of the conference there were speeches of postgraduates and round tables, where there were considered modern problems of marketing and marketing techniques in the context of sectoral and regional aspects. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.04.2015
Номер новости для фото:  4

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