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Victory in All-Russian competition of achievements of the Council for Quality in Education


On April 12, 2015 it was summarizing the All-Russian school students on the quality of education, which held from 8 to 12 of April in St. Petersburg.

At the official closing ceremony it was announced the results of the All-Russian competition of achievements of the boards / commissions on the quality of education in educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education. According to the results of the Student Committee for the quality of education the Stavropol State Agrarian University was declared the winner in the nomination "The best system of the department of audit, feedback from students!"

Experience of the Student Committee for the quality of education to obtain feedback from students in the competition was defended by the 4-th year student, Chairman of the Commission on the quality of students' education at Electric Power Faculty Alexander Gurkovsky and the 3-rd year student, deputy chairman of the Commission on the quality of students at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Maria Deneva.

All-Russian competition of achievements of the Council / Commission on Excellence in Education included five main categories and 5 design categories. According to the results of the competition, only 3 from 10 high school finalists were recognized winners. Besides the Stavropol State Agrarian University the winners were Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Ural State Pedagogical University.

As part of the All-Russian Student School on the quality of education more than 100 representatives of student councils in quality from 45 universities of Russia - from Kaliningrad to Yakutsk - took part in various activities.

Thus, during the theoretical course, students study the Russian legal framework and international experience in quality assurance in higher education, discussed the mechanisms of student education quality assessment, algorithms and operation of student councils on the quality of education in universities. Chairman of the Committee on Education Quality Council of the Russian Ministry of Youth A.N. Schwindt, Vice President for the quality of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics E.A. Gorbashko, Vice President for Academic Affairs, St. Petersburg State University of E.G. Babelyuk, Head of cooperation with students from the Baltic Federal University by Immanuel Kant, M.A. Saushkina helped students in this sphere.

Practical course on the development of roadmap of the boards / commissions on the quality of education included Foresight-training (coach S.V. Tetersky, International trainer, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor), the game FreshVision - «A Fresh Look: 30 project ideas in the road map of the quality of education "and training" IntellektMonetizatsiya. " Commercialization of intellectual property "(coach Yu.V. Tyushev, independent business coach, head of the educational project" St. Petersburg school of social engineering "), as well as the exhibition of achievements of the Commission / Council on the quality of education in Russian universities.

We congratulate the Student Committee for the quality of education with the victory and wish new achievements in quality assurance in the Stavropol State Agrarian University! 

Дата новости для фото:  13.04.2015
Номер новости для фото:  11

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