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Issues of Master's education in Russia and all over the world were discussed on the conference


The Assistant Professor from the Ecology and Landscape Architecture Department Julia A. Mandra became a member of the conference "Master's education in Russia and all over the world: principles, practices, problems" which was held in St. Petersburg. This event was organized by European University in St. Petersburg, Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg and Fond by Vladimir Potanin.

The participants talked about the relationship between the Russian Master's format and continental European, British, North American one, about how to use the experience of foreign universities, about the possibilities of public and private capital for the convergence of higher school with labor market. Leading experts in the field of higher school discussed the development of Master's program.

As part of the event the winners of the grant competition in scholarship program by Vladimir Potanin 2015 were awarded. For the implementation of the grant "Strategy of contextual learning in the educational process of the Master's program« Agroecological Monitoring "Yu.A. Mandra received 500 thousand rubles. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.04.2015
Номер новости для фото:  5

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