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Master class from the federal coach of the Russian Union of Youth


On April 17, 2015 students of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the master class “On the way to hospitality”. This training was one of the highlights of the week of service and hospitality in the South of Russia – 2015, which started at the university on April 13.

This time, students of the faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism and economic faculty met with Irina Bervinenko – specialist in the field «HoReCa», the federal coach of the Russian Union of Youth.

During the master-class students together with the lecturer were looking for differences in the concepts of “service” and “hospitality”. And during one of the tasks each student was able to ensure that everyone is able to achieve much more than he expected.

Great attention attracted also video examples of distinguishing good and poor quality of service which were demonstrated to the students by the guest of the university.

The last task of the master class was putting the acquired knowledge into practice. Four teams of master class participants had 10 minutes to make up their own business and develop its marketing strategy indicating the distinctive features of their companies.

“For such a short time we were able to see the development of our business, imagine what could hinder its development. And we came to the conclusion that the key to success is well-chosen and trained staff” – shared her impressions one of the master class participants Alena Khomutova.

The master class ended with watching examples of successful advertising campaigns from the world practice. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.04.2015
Номер новости для фото:  1

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