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“UMNIK 2015” participants began a struggle for a grant


On April 21, on the basis of Stavropol State Agrarian University there was opened the regional scientific-practical conference “Innovative ideas of the youth of Stavropol Territory for Russia’s economic development”, accredited in the framework of the program of the Federal Fund for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology "the Youth Research and Innovation Competition" (“UMNIK”) in 2015.

The selection of winners is carried out in the following fields: "Information Technology", "Medicine of the Future", "Modern materials and technologies of their creation", "New devices and hardware systems", "Biotechnology".

"Today begins the celebration of young science. It brought together young people who have the desire to do, who do not feel obstacles of impossibility. Thank you for being there. I want to wish all the participants good luck and creative struggle"- opened the conference the First Deputy Chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Territory Dmitry Sudavtsov.

About the great possibilities that open up before the winners of "UMNIK" told the chief specialist of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology of the program UMNIK, curator of the North Caucasus Federal District, Vyacheslav Demchenko: "We are trying to find solutions for various educational programs for holders of the grant "UMNIK", for bringing the winners to a qualitatively new level of work to raise a generation of young innovative entrepreneurs."

"Now it is very important to ensure the progress of Russia and use of innovations will help this. So I want you to know: we believe in you, wait for your ideas that will work for the benefit of the economy of Russia" - appealed to young scientists the committee chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Territory for Industry, Energy, Construction and Housing Gennady Yagubov.

Deputy Minister of Education and Youth Policy of Stavropol Territory Diana Rudyeva reminded the audience that Stavropol region takes one of the leading places in the country in terms of support for youth and young science in particular. Examples of this are the scholarship and grant programs of the government of the region.

"Grant "UMNIK" is a start of a successful career, an opportunity to enter the intellectual elite of the country. And I wish you victory, and if this time it will not work, do not worry. You always have an opportunity to try again,"- welcomed the participants of the competition the committee chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Territory of Education and Science Lyudmila Kuzyakova.

The participants of the spring stage of the conference in 2015 became 150 students, young researchers from educational institutions of higher and secondary professional education from around Stavropol who are the winners of scientific conferences in their educational institutions.

The aim of the program is to identify young scientists seeking self-realization through innovation, and encouraging mass participation of young people in science, technology and innovation through organizational and financial support for innovative projects.

Since 2007, its winners became 307 undergraduate and postgraduate students of institutions of higher and secondary professional education, with total funding of projects in the sum of more than 120 million rubles. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.04.2015
Номер новости для фото:  5

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