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Discussing financial and economic problems on the international forum


In Stavropol State Agrarian University there took place the International Financial and Economic Forum "Challenges of modernity", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the university. It was attended by leading scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University, of its foreign partners: the University of Belgrade (Serbia), Waseda University (Japan), Szent Istvan University (Hungary), Kyzyl-Orda State University (Kazakhstan), Grodno State Agrarian University (Belarus); partner universities of our country: Voronezh State University, Kuban State Agrarian University, Rostov State University of Economics, North-Caucasian Federal University, Moscow State Humanitarian University named after Sholokhov, as well as representatives of relevant government institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Serbia, the Federal State Statistics Service of Stavropol Region, Federal Tax Service of Stavropol Region, the Ministry of Finance of Stavropol Region, Ministry of Agriculture of Stavropol Region, the Ministry of Economic Development of Stavropol Region; Sberbank with which the university has cooperated for many years. The organizer was Accounting and Finance Faculty of SSAU.

The forum was hosted by the Dean of the Faculty, Professor E.I. Kostyukova. A welcoming speech was held by the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of SSAU Morozov V.Yu. He particularly stressed that the forum was a great platform not only for the exchange of views on a wide range of economic science, but also for developing a specific strategy and decision-making, and wished success to all. Then, the participants were addressed by the professor of the University of Genoa, Vincenzo Bianco, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory Yu.V. Serbin and deputy chairman of the North Caucasian Bank of Sberbank of Russia N.N. Shipulina, she congratulated on the anniversary of the university and said: "Like-minded people are brought together here, we look to one side, look differently, but pursue the same purposes, the forum gathered people who can express their opinion on many serious issues, and it will be competent at it can be relied on", then she stressed that terrible expectations were not fulfilled, we go through more confident than expected, and there are real opportunities for constructive work.

Presentations were made by the scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University Associate Professor A.A. Gladilin (the theme of the report "Economic realities of the XXI century: the crisis of the real sector and financial instability"), Professor I.Yu. Sklyarov ("Problems of import substitution in the agricultural sector of Russia"), Professor M.G. Leshcheva ("Regulation of demand on the agro-food market in the direction of achieving food security"), Professor T.G. Gurnovich ("Formation and use of the resource potential of agriculture"), Professor B.A. Doronin ("The development of an innovative economy of Stavropol Region"), Professor A.N. Gerasimov ("Information and analytical tools of grounding management decisions in the agrarian economy"), director of Stavropol regional branch of public corporation "Russian Agricultural Bank" A.N. Senokosov ("From import substitution to export orientation"). During the Forum speakers and participants discussed the most urgent problems of the financial and economic sectors of the country. They talked about the economic realities of the century, the problems of development of industrial markets: food security, import substitution, price instability, the use of resource potential, strategic management, innovation and investment potential of economic growth of the region, country and others.

Then, the participants continued their work on expert discussion platforms. Earlier in the framework of the forum there were organized master classes, business workshops, round table discussions. Further on the program - Meeting of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of Accounting and Finance Faculty, business training on farm-breeding plant "Kazminsky", Kochubeevsky region.

Дата новости для фото:  24.04.2015
Номер новости для фото:  3

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