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Victory in the Olympiad on municipal law and municipal management


A team of the Economic Faculty students – A. Brykalov, K. Kruglikova, S. Savon, Y. Tokarenko, E. Firstova – took the first prize and got the main award – the Grand Prix in Interuniversity Olympiad in state and municipal management. Supervisor of the team is associate professor S. I. Lugovskoy. The event was devoted to the all-Russian day of the local self-government and took place at the Institute of Economics and Management of the Northern Caucasus Federal University. The jury of the Olympiad particularly noted the high level of knowledge shown by our students in the field of theoretical and practical foundations of local self-government of the Russian Federation.  

Дата новости для фото:  27.04.2015
Номер новости для фото:  6

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