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Meeting on May, 1


Teachers and students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the city's General meeting, devoted to the celebration of the May Day – the holiday of spring and labor. It was organized by the Federation of Trade Unions of the Stavropol territory and was attended by representatives of authorities of local self-government, political party "United Russia", the public movement "People's Front", citizens, students of educational institutions of the city. Every year May Day attracts many participants and unites all the generations!

Opening the meeting, the Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Stavropol territory V. Brykalov stressed that the current May Day was special – the year of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, and trade unions has made their contribution in it, too, and in the time of crisis solidarity and unity of the workers are of particular importance. Then, the Chairman of the Duma of the Stavropol territory Yury Beliy, the first Deputy Chairman of the government of Stavropol territory I. Kovalyov, the head of Stavropol city administration A. Djatdoev, a member of the regional headquarters of the all-Russian public movement "People's Front "For Russia!" V. Kozhevnikov, the head of the primary Trade Union organization of "Grachevskiy Elevator" V. Smolnyakova, a member of the Stavropol Trade Union of APC L. Kolyada and others have addressed to the audience. In their speeches every of them expressed their civic position about the protection of labour rights of Stavropol.

In conclusion of the meeting they adopted a resolution in which, in particular, stated: "We state for the future of our youth: for the development of a system of its professional guidance; for the employment of graduates of education institutions and their further professional growth; for the provision of affordable housing for young families, young scientists and professionals working in rural areas; for the creation and support of centers of scientific and technical creativity of youth and the promotion of its innovative activity."

The meeting was followed by a festive program: performances of creative collectives, competitions, street dance, etc. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.05.2015
Номер новости для фото:  1

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