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Nikolay Golovin is elected as the chairman of student's trade-union committee of STGAU


On May 14, 2015, the report-and- election trade-union conference of University students took place at higher education institution. 252 delegates from all faculties of the Stavropol state agrarian university took part in it.

The report of trade-union committee on the done work for 2010-2015 to conferees was submitted by the chairman of trade-union committee of University students N. P. Golovin.

Further, the chairman I.P. Stelmakhov reported on work of control audit commission of the trade-union organization of University students.

During conference speeches of chairmen of the organizational, civil and patriotic, social and legal, editorial commissions of student's self-government were heard.

The elections of the chairman of Primary trade-union organization of students of FGBOU VPO "The Stavropol state agrarian university" passed in an open form. Nikolay Golovin was elected by absolute majority, who has been heading the student's trade-union committee since 2010.

Also during the conference, the election of members of the control audit commission of the trade-union organization of university and elections of delegates on the VI report-and- election conference of the Stavropol regional organization of Labor union of employees of agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation passed. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.05.2015
Номер новости для фото:  8

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