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The draft of the professional standard of the breeder is discussed


What are the breeder’s obligations for livestock breeding? A speech was presented about it at the seminar organized by the staff of the Institute of additional professional education and the teachers of Faculty of Technological Management of the Stavropol state agrarian university.

36 representatives of the stations on animal disease control of the Territory and the teachers of Aleksandrovsky agricultural college became participants of the seminar which took place on May 15, 2015. Addressing the audience, the deputy director of the Institute of additional professional education, associate professor Andrey Viktorovich Pankratov told about the essence of the developed normative documents, their features and requirements imposed by public authorities of the Russian Federation to their development. Professor of the Department of special zootechnics, selection and animal husbandry Elena Edugartovna Epimakhova informed the audience on contents of the prepared draft of the professional standard of the breeder on livestock breeding.

The Representatives of the stations on animal disease control and the teachers of Aleksandrovsky agricultural college made a number of amendments in completion of the document prepared by teachers of the Stavropol state agrarian university. Their remarks will allow to concretize the labor functions, separate actions, abilities and knowledge necessary for a breeder on livestock breeding. The point of view was validated by experts by means of concrete examples from active practice of Territory breeders.

Staff of the higher education institution plans to continue similar meetings. Soon the draft of the professional standard will be also published on the website of the higher education institution.

Breeder on livestock breeding is not the first professional standard developed at the Stavropol state agrarian university. The teachers of the higher education institution have already developed 17 professional standards for workers and specialists of the agricultural branch of the country. Fifteen standards defined fundamental obligations of workers in the sphere of agrarian and industrial complex. The activity content of repairman of farm machines and equipment, tractor drivers of agricultural production, shop operators on preparation of forages, livestock complexes and the mechanized farms, cattle breeders, poultry breeders, beekeepers, gardeners, plant breeders, and representatives of several more professions is described. Two standards are prepared for experts with the higher education – agronomists and veterinarians. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.05.2015
Номер новости для фото:  7

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