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Scientific developments of SSAU on 50th regional exhibition of breeding sheep and goats

Stavropol State Agrarian University took an active part in the 50th regional exhibition of breeding sheep and goats from 15 to 16 May 2015.

On May 15, 2015 in the exhibition for the first time was a seminar "Sheep and goat breeding in the Stavropol region. Technology of production of sheep and goat on farms in the region ", in which the active part took young scientists, graduate students and students of Technological Management and Veterinary Medicine Faculties. The seminar was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory, Stavropol State Agrarian University, All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep, state institution "Center of tribal resources," state institution "Stavropol Agricultural Information Consulting Center", Stavropol regional branch of the All-Russian youth organization " Russian Union of Agricultural Youth. "

During the seminar, major experts shared their experiences with the guys: Professor of Agricultural University, academician Vasily Moroz, a leading researcher at the Laboratory of morphology and production quality of RRIS, associate professor Galina Zavgorodnyaya, head of the laboratory of goat and shepherd dog breeding of RRIS, Associate Professor Svetlana Novopashina.

The exposure of our university was represented at the exhibition by innovative scientific developments of our scientists from: Technological Management, Veterinary Medicine, Agrobiology and Land Resources and Farm Mechanization Faculties. There was also a separate project "Development of a regional model for the formation and management of highly productive genetic resources of livestock (for example in Stavropol Territory)", which became the owner of 20 million of the grant of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. Also it was presented production of "Steviana": dry stevia leaves, herbal teas, as well as ornamental plants grown in the greenhouse complex of Stavropol State Agrarian University, vil. Demino.

During the official opening of the exhibition the official delegation of the Government of Stavropol Region, headed by Nicholas T. Velikdan - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of Stavropol Territory, Yuri White - Chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Territory Alexander and Martychev - Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory were took a look with the exposition of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

They congratulated with the remarkable event - the current exhibition jubilee, the fiftieth - and noted its contribution to the development of agriculture in the region and throughout the country.

Дата новости для фото:  18.05.2015
Номер новости для фото:  3

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