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Forum "The Growth Trajectory" has finished its work.


Within three days, the students of Stavropol State Agrarian University have been trained at university student forum "The Growth Trajectory", aimed at the development of social activity and leadership skills among the students of the university.

There were two VIP lecture. Agrarian University students were met with federal coach - an expert on the youth policy of the Russian Federation Lubov Krysina, who spoke about the future planning and time management, and Head of the Department of Youth Policy of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory. Ivan Skipersky that gave young people the basics of social engineering.

Then the students have passed a series of master classes. So, with the famous Stavropol emcee Tigran Melik-Adamyan, they discussed the work within the team, with the Federal Association of coach trainers of students RUY, head of the department of youth policy, student associations and initiatives of NCFU Yelena Sonina talked about management styles, about motivation told coach-trainee of Trainers Association of students RUY, chairman of the Student Council for the Humanities Institute of NCFU Marina Bocharova. Marina Vilieva - Federal Association of coach trainers students of RUY, coordinator of projects and programs Stavropol regional public organization of RUY introduced with time management. The chief director of the urban program of Stavropol "Student Spring", the chief editor of the Stavropol Regional Junior League of CFI Igor Miroshnichenko held for students of SSAU a master class in acting and directing, and how to find and create the business of your dreams boys were told by the businessman to 15 years successful experience, business consultant Sergey Muzzhavlev. And the head of the Educational program All-Caucasian Forum "Mashuk-2015", the head of the educational work of NCFU Oleg Lyashko gave a master class on the theme "Investing in yourself."

Specialist of Youth Center of patriotic education of Stavropol, the commander of INGO ST "Non-Stop", the Commissioner of Stavropol staff of student teams Ruslan Elmanbetov talked with youth about the basics of leading skills.

there were active workshops also. So, along with rescue officers guys learned rescue car and fire truck brand "AC". Yuri Zakotyansky - creator of hand-made shops of watches, bracelets, purses held thematic workshop during which each participant with their own hands made a bracelet.

Then the guys discussed with experts their project ideas for improving student life. At the end of the forum, which will take place next week, they will present the best projects.

As evening activities students were offered the game-quest "Back to the past", during which the boys were on the main site of the battle of the Great Patriotic War, saw and remembered that time.

The Forum participants told that got much more experience and emotions than expected. For example, a student of the Economics Faculty Elina said that "first thought" oh, forum, project, lectures, it's so boring", and then went and signed up, well, that did not take part in such projects ever. But who would have thought that it would be so cool ?! Guys, seriously, thank you very much! Because it was interesting (even during serious lectures!), Fun, positive, informative! Special thanks for a military adventure, previously I was never interested in military subjects, but did not expect a storm of emotions! Thanks to everyone who organized it all, it was wonderful, I will take part in such things without hesitation. "

Angelina Suhoveeva agrees with this opinion: "Thank you, all the organizers, the moderator of a Youth Forum, which is contrary to all expectations remained at the height! Thank you very much team number 9 for such a huge amount of emotion for the support, that during three days we were one happy family!" 

Дата новости для фото:  22.05.2015
Номер новости для фото:  10

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