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"VIV Russia - 2015"


Professor of Department of Private animal husbandry and animal breeding E.E. Yepimakhov, assistant of the Department T.S. Aleksandrova and the student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine D. Zinchenko visited the Moscow Exhibition Center "Crocus Expo" International Exhibition «VIV Russia - 2015". This is an important industry platform for showcasing the most advanced development of production and processing of livestock products. More than 300 equipment manufacturers presented their exhibits at the booths in special sections. The concept of the exhibition - the safety and quality of products "from field to counter" - is gaining popularity and support of leading agricultural countries in the world and contributes to the further integration in the field of livestock and poultry due to the growing interest of the global market for high-quality and safe products.

The round table on "The 50th Anniversary of the domestic poultry industry. Evaluation of the results of the industry in 2015 and during the period of industrialization 1965-2015: achievements, problems and solutions" was held at the exhibition. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.05.2015
Номер новости для фото:  21

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