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Forum “Trajectory of growth”: defense of projects


On June 2, in Stavropol State Agrarian University there were summed up the results of the first All-university Forum “Trajectory of growth”.

Student teams presented projects developed at the forum to the judging committee which included vice-rector for academic and educational work I.V. Atanov, vice-rector for scientific and innovative activity V.Y. Morozov, vice-rector for correspondence, part-time and additional education O.M. Lisova, deans of all faculties.

All projects are youth proposals for improving the life of the university and affect different areas. From the extra motivation of students through the creation of cardboard monuments for the best students to the specialized schools of young leaders, schools of photographers.

At the end of the forum there were selected youth leaders – students who proved to be the brightest in their teams. They are students of the Faculty of Economics Dmitry Sabynin and Evgeniya Chernova, students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance Gavriil Avakyan, Natalia Radaeva and Sofia Dzhatdoeva, student of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture Sofia Beketova, students of the Faculty of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism Darya Selimkhanova, Alexei Anisimov, Ekaterina Annanikova, students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Anna Uzuli and Arevik Markosyan, student of the Faculty of Farm Mechanization Maxim Sokolenko.

The best moderators were also singled out. They are students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance Viktoria Svetlichnaya and Philip Prozorov. And the best organizers were called the student of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering Vadim Shpak and the student of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance Maria Boyko.

The evening ended with the performance of the new youth anthem of SSAU, lyrics for which were written by students themselves. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.06.2015
Номер новости для фото:  7

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