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Congratulations of the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on the Day of Russia

Congratulations of the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on the Day of Russia

Dear teachers, staff and students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University!
I congratulate all of you on the national holiday — Day of Russia!

I cordially congratulate you on the Day of Russia − one of the main state holidays, which became the symbol of unity of our people and its responsibility for the present and the future of their country.

Love to Motherland for every of us begins with love to the place where he was born, where he lives, works and learns. The development and prosperity of this particle of a Great Nation depends on each of us, from our unite work, initiative and dedication.

We are all interested in the fact that the Russian Federation continues to develop, strengthen its power, and its international reputation will undisputable. That is the foundation of a peaceful and prosperous life of each of us.

We cherish the memory of the past, but, in order to look confidently to the future, each of us should strive to do something useful for their country. I wish you a creative and scientific inspiration, interesting projects and creative ideas. New achievements for the benefit of our Matherland, achieving all your goals, confidence in the future, success in study and work and great personal happiness!

Happy holidays, dear friends!


Rector of the Stavropol State

Agricultural University,

corresponding member of RAS, professor,

the Deputy of the Stavropol Region Duma,

Hero of Labour of Stavropol,

Honorary Citizen of the Stavropol Region                                                              V. I. TRUKHACHEV 

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