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A scientific approach to increase grain yield


Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Trukhachev took part in the seminar-meeting on issues of implementing high-performance varieties of winter wheat and barley. It was hosted by the Governor Vladimir Vladimirov on June 10, 2015.

The seminar was held on the basis of farm "Russia" in the village Grigoropolisskaya of the Novoaleksandrovskoy district. The meeting was attended by first Vice-Premier of the region Nikolai Velikdan’, managers and agronomists of the leading agricultural companies of the region, scientists of the Krasnodar Research Institute of Agriculture named after P. P. Lukyanenko.

Opening the meeting, Vladimir Vladimirov recalled the aim set by the President of Russia to increase agricultural production in the framework of a policy of import substitution and food security of the country. In this regard, Stavropol farmers have the task – to reach the target of 10 million tons of grain annually.

According to the Head of the region, to achieve this goal the use of high-yielding varieties of seeds of wheat and barley will help.

- Quality seed is the foundation of our growth. Today, the culture of farming is changing, and the Stavropol region becomes the leader in terms of crop production. I believe that the Stavropol earth can give 10 million tons of grain. Our actions are aimed at achieving this goal, " said the Governor.

The benefits of winter wheat varieties and barley of Kuban selection were presented by professor Bespalova Ludmila. According to her, high productivity, disease resistance and grain quality are the basis of the increase of gross yield.

Later the participants of the seminar-workshop examined a variety test plots of the farm "Russia", which has grown winter wheat and barley breeding by Krasnodar Research Institute. At these sites, the varieties that have been included in the register in 2015 are testing. In the future they can give up to 90 quintals per hectare.

Дата новости для фото:  11.06.2015
Номер новости для фото:  4

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