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Stavropol Agrarian University admission


June 16 in Stavropol State Agrarian University started the admission. This year, the university offers more than 900 applicants for budgetary places for training baccalaureate and specialties and more than 130 - for the magistracy.

Admission will last from June 16 to July 24 for entrants to full-time teaching baccalaureate and specialties on the results of the exam. Documents in distance learning can be submitted until 10 August. Submission of documents to the magistracy will last until July 18.

All applicants of Agrarian University definitely need to remember that the University has traditionally relies not on quantity but on the quality of admission. This means that the university established a minimum number of points, which acts for the budget form of education, and a commercial one. You can learn more about these requirements.

This year, the leading University in the region will consider not only documents but students’ individual achievement. The winners, honors studies may be eligible for additional contest points. All the information about the order of calculation: http: www.stgau.ru.

The representatives from each faculty SSAU will help you fill in the application form, and also choose the program of training, as well as answer any questions of entrants. In addition, an applicant may apply by mail, it needs to fill in the application form, print it from the website and mail.

The admission committee of Stavropol State Agrarian University: weekdays from 8:30 to 16:00 at Mira st., 347, building - the Institute of Economics and Finance, 1st floor, 114 room.

More information can be found in a special section of the website, or phone: 8652 71 60 57. 

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