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Dmitry Livanov met with students of Stavropol State Agrarian University


On June 26, Stavropol State Agrarian University was visited by the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov. The program of the visit of the Minister included visits to several departments and meeting with students.

The visit started with an introduction to the exhibition of agricultural machinery. Students of the Faculty of Farm Mechanization proudly demonstrated the Minister harvester, self-propelled sprayer, tractor, KAMAZ, on which they work during practice in teaching and experimental farm of the university. By the way, all this machinery was made in Russia. So the harvester Terrion which student teams of SSAU as the best in Russia received from the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, was made in Tambov.

Then, students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine showed the Minister of Education a unique mobile complex for first aid to animals. In fact it is a mobile veterinary center, where you can make a rapid and laboratory analysis, and even electrocardiogram.

And equipment for precision farming was presented to Dmitry Livanov by the students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources.

Next, Russian Education Minister was presented the achievements of the scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University. Among them there were works on the cloning of farm animals, developments in the field of energy saving technologies, and work in the area of cultivation of organic products.

Then the Minister visited the Faculty of Economics and that of Accounting and Finance, where in the innovative laboratories "Mini-bank", "Mini-market", "Insurance Shop" and the simulation center of management technologies Dmitry Livanov met with students and alumni of the university.

The main topic of the conversation the demand in agricultural region not just for an economic education, but with the industry bias. "Financial and economic activity of agricultural enterprises is significantly different from the activities of the enterprises in other sectors. Knowledge in the field of agricultural technologies is necessary for young economists. It is very difficult for the student who doesn’t know the specificity of agricultural enterprises to write a quality credit opinion. And this in turn gives rise to the appearance of unaccounted risks. On the contrary, an agrarian student knows nuances: the concept of crop rotation in crop growing, zootechnical peculiarities in livestock breeding. We really need such experts. We are ready to give them work," - said the graduate of SSAU of 1998, the director of Stavropol regional branch of "Rosselkhozbank" Alexey Senokosov.

This opinion was shared by another graduate of Stavropol State Agrarian University Yevgeny Kazmin, the head of one of the regional agricultural holdings: "We see that the state gives a lot of support to farmers. But many farmers simply fail to get the money, because it is difficult to do it without competent professionals who have knowledge both in the economy and in agriculture."

Senior fellows were supported by students. About her choice of specialty told the freshman Valeriya Vasilieva, who entered SSAU after winning the competition of student production teams, "At school I was the foreman of our student team and realized that the success of the business depends on competent combination of knowledge in the field of economy and agriculture".

The guest of the university visited also the faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism, which unique laboratories follow the design of the best hotels in the world and have no analogues in any Russian university. By the way, practice-oriented principle of the faculty is based on the methods of teaching in the Swiss business schools of the sphere of service and hospitality. Dmitry Livanov asked about the level of employment of graduates. The head of the Department of Tourism and Service Alexander Trukhachev said that the employment rate stands at 80%. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.06.2015
Номер новости для фото:  3

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