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Results of the competition "The ideal employee-2015"


July 1, 2015 at a meeting of the Academic Council of the University there was held a ceremony of awarding the winners of the professional contest "The ideal employee-2015."

The purpose of the competition is the development of the creative potential of our employees and a better distribution of their professional experience. The tender commission received 105 applications in 9 nominations.

Examination of bids employees included several stages: study of presentations, the students score contestants in a mass survey in all faculties and all courses, as well as records of the results ranking staff for the last 3 years.

The outcome of the competition committee, there were determined winners in 9 categories:

"The best Dean":

1st place - Dean of Agrobiology and Land Resources and the Environment and Landscape Architecture Faculty, Professor Esaulko Alexander Doctor of Agriculture;

2nd place - Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Economics, professor Kusakina Olga;

3rd place - Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, PhD, Professor Kostyukova Elena.

"The best Head of the Department":

1st place - Head of the Department of Financial Management and Banking, Ph.D., associate professor Sklyarova Julia;

2nd place - Head of the Department of Soil Science, Doctor of Science in Agriculture, Professor Tskhovrebov Valery;

3rd place - Head of Accounting Financial Accounting, Ph.D, Associate Professor Kulish Natalia.

Nomination "Leading Professor":

1st place - Professor of Public and Reclamation Farming, Doctor of Science in Agriculture, Professor Dorozhko Georgy;

2nd place - Professor of Financial Management and Banking, Ph.D., Professor Gurnovich Tatyana;

3rd place - Professor of Private Animal Husbandry, Breeding and Breeding Animals Doctor of Science in Agriculture, Associate Professor Yepimakhova Elena.

Nomination "Lead Associate Professor":

1st place - an Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Plant Protection, Master of Agriculture, Associate Professor Bezgina Yulia;

2nd place - Associate Professor of Department of Physical Planning and Inventory, Master of Agriculture, Shevchenko Dmitry;

3rd place - Associate Professor of Accounting Financial Accounting, Ph.D, Associate Professor Sitnic Olga.

Nomination "Leading Senior Lecturer":

1st place - Senior Lecturer, Department of Automation, Electronics and Metrology, Ph.D, Samoilenko Vladimir;

2nd place - Senior Lecturer, Department of Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products, PhD in Technical Sciences,Trubina Irina;

3rd place - Senior Lecturer, Department of Soil Science, Master of Agriculture, Nikiforova Anastasia.

"The Best Curator":

1st place - Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Applied Economics, Ph.D., Skiperskaya Elizabeth;

2nd place - Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Ph.D., associate professor, Gulay Tatyana;

3rd place - Assistant of the Department of Automation, Electronics and Metrology Ushkur Dmitry.

"The Best Manager":

1st place - the director of the Scientific Library, Obnovlenskaya Marina;

2nd place - Manager of Marketing and Social Research, Fedkova Tatyana;

3rd place - Expert on Educational and Methodical Work of the Faculty of Advanced Training Institute of Additional Professional Education, Ph.D., Ledneva Yulia.

"The Best Employee of the Scientific Library":

1st place - Deputy Director of the Scientific Library in Information Technology Nicenko Natalia;

2nd place - Head of the Department of Student Services of the Scientific Library, Turin Elena;

3rd place - Head of Information-Bibliographic Center of the Scientific Library, Tkachenko Irina.

"The Best Technician":

1st place - a Technician of the Department of Physiology, Surgery and Obstetrics, Tarasova Yuliya;

2nd place - a Technician of the Department of Information Systems, Bulatov George;

3rd place - a Technician of the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance, Lyashenko Anton.

Presenting the winners and prize-winners of diplomas and monetary rewards, Rector Vladimir Trukhachev on behalf of the University Administration, Trade Union Committees of Staff and Students warmly thanked all the participants for their creativity and inspiration related to the professional activity, for their willingness to share their achievements with colleagues and wished new high achievements.

All winners will be marked with the winner of the contest "Ideal Employee" on the website of the University in a private office.

Vladimir Ivanovich also noted that the victory in the contest "Ideal Employee" is the personification of the professional skills of all staff of the University, which is why it is important to raise the ideal of staff who provide high-quality education and social infrastructure of Stavropol State Agrarian University. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.07.2015
Номер новости для фото:  1

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