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Victory in the poetry contest!


2nd year student of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance of Stavropol State Agrarian University Inna Gulieva won the All-Russian competition of youth author projects and projects in the field of education aimed at the socio-economic development of Russian territories "My country - my Russia" in the nomination of contest of poems "My Country". This year, for the first time there was a creative nomination for journalists "A word about my country" as well as a poetic and photo contest.

The main objective of the project is to attract young people to address critical problems in the regions and municipalities. The contest was held by the All-Russian Union of Public Associations "Youth social and economic initiatives" with the support of the State Duma, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, Agency for Strategic Initiatives and other partners.

The winners are included in the lists of candidates for the presidential award for support of talented youth. In general, awards were given to the authors of projects and groups from nearly forty subjects of the Russian Federation. In addition to the diploma and gift, one more award waits for Inna - her poem "Russia" will be published in a collection of poetry.


I dedicate the poem to you, Russia,

You are the greatest country.

Saved by holy power of God,

You are full of courage and bravery.

I love you, blossoming Russia,

For your space, for the light in your eyes,

For the light blue rivers and lakes

And for your voice as clear as a stream.

I love the cascade of mountain ranges and a light breeze,

Forests of green needles and fields.

You are the most beautiful in the world,

Native and blooming land!

The stream of your riches is inexhaustible,

I always keep your image in my heart.

And endlessly praising in my lines,

I love my homeland with all my heart! 

Дата новости для фото:  10.07.2015
Номер новости для фото:  2

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