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Vladimir Trukhachev is 60 years old


The staff of the Stavropol State Agrarian University warmly congratulates the Rector, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev with the 60-years anniversary!

Vladimir Ivanovich, we know and we respect you as the purposeful person, the wise head having the special gift to unit people, as the bright and uncommon scientist and teacher who brought up not one generation of youth. Your sharp mind, ability to find a way from any situation, to count its development on many steps forward, huge energy – all this is the cornerstone of success of any business which you undertook. And you were never afraid to answer strong calls of destiny and always overcome difficulties when anyone would fall his hands.

Thanks to you, Vladimir Ivanovich, the Stavropol State Agrarian University achieved great success, in our higher education institution all conditions for formation comprehensively developed personality are created, and results of educational, scientific and innovative activity of university are known far outside the country. We are proud that we are lucky to work in one of the best educational institutions of Russia, we are proud that we can speak "– Trukhachev's team" and there will be no person in Stavropol Krai who wouldn't understand, what does it mean.

We are grateful to you for the wise management of such huge collective, for talent of the outstanding scientist and organizer, for constant attention and original care of all employees and students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. You teach us every day how it is necessary to treat life and work.

Someone comes to work to the Stavropol State Agrarian University because of glory of higher education institution and its Rector, and many can't simply leave the Alma Mater because of magic feeling of force and leadership, because of the special atmosphere created by you.

Heartily we wish successful realization of all your kind undertakings, new achievements, good health, happiness and wellbeing! Let knowledge, experience and care which you generously give to many thousands staff of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, always come back with mutual love, attention and support.

Faculty, employees, students and graduate students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University

Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev (the city of Novokuznetsk, the Kemerovo region, was born on July 16, 1955) - the figure of the Russian higher education, the Rector of federal public budgetary educational institution of higher education "The Stavropol State Agrarian University" since 1999, the Russian scientist in the field of zootechnics and veterinary science, in the field of economy and management of agro-industrial complex, the organization of economic science.

The chairman of the board of rectors of higher education institutions of Stavropol Krai (since 2008.), the member of the Russian union of rectors (since 2008.), the member of the Slovak academy of agricultural sciences (since 2013), the academician of the Slovak academy of agricultural sciences (since 2015), the deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai (since 2007)

Academic degree and ranks: the candidate of agricultural sciences (1991), the Doctor of agricultural sciences (1998), Professor of farm animals feeding chair (2002), the Doctor of Economics (2006), the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences (2007 - 2014), Professor on department of economy of the enterprise and business technologies in agro-industrial complex (2007), the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2014).

Honorary titles: Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation (2008), Honourable employee of agro-industrial complex of Russia (2010), Honourable worker of science and equipment of the Russian Federation (2010), Honourable worker of higher education of the Russian Federation (2005), Hero of work of Stavropol Territory (2007), Honourable Professor of the international university Vienna, Honourable citizen of Stavropol Krai (2014), Honourable employee of agro-industrial complex of Stavropol Krai (2014).

State awards: medal of the award "For Merits before the Fatherland" of the II degree (1999); award of Friendship (2000); The Certificate of honor of the President of the Russian Federation "For the achieved labor success, long-term conscientious work and vigorous public work" (2015).

Departmental and regional awards: Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (2000, 2001, 2004, 2005); medal "For Merits in Stavropol Krai" (2004); a medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "For assistance" (2005), a gold medal of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation "For contribution to development of agro-industrial complex of Russia" (2005); medal "For Valorous Work" of the III degree (2005); medal "For Valorous Work" of the II degree (2010); medal "For Valorous Work" of the I degree (2013);

Participation in work of public academies: Full member (Academician) of Academy of agrarian education (1998), Academician of the International academy of agrarian education (2000); Full member (Academician) of the International academy of authors of discoveries and inventions (2002); Full member (Academician) of the Russian academy of natural sciences (2003); Full member (Academician) of the International academy of Sciences of the higher school (2004); Full member (Academician) of the International academy of problems of safety and law and order (2006); Full foreign member of academy of agricultural sciences of Slovakia.

V. I. Trukhachev's activity on a post of the rector FSBEI HPE "The Stavropol State Agrarian University".

V. I. Trukhachev - the authoritative scientist of the international level and the talented head. For it there are no impracticable plans, its motto: "It is difficult – doesn't mean it is impossible" – helps to reach results which admire today.

In 1977 Vladimir Ivanovich graduated from the Stavropol Labour Red Banner agricultural institute in "Veterinary science". Here for 16 years V. I. Trukhachev heads alma-mater.

To its election as the Rector in 1999 the university was in a critical crisis situation, formation of culture of open and transparent information transfer, big belief of employees, teachers and students in these reforms were necessary for carrying out transformations in higher education institution.

Having held the Rector's post, Vladimir Ivanovich acted as the initiator, the inspirer of changes. It was headed for strengthening of material base, modernization of educational process, support and further development of scientific researches, improvement of the territory. The object – to receive the status of university, to become competitive higher education institution in the market of educational services, to provide to graduates of university elite education was set for the faculty.

"It was necessary to start not that from scratch – worse!" - Vladimir Ivanovich spoke subsequently. – "Problems were seen in everything, but it was understood that it was necessary to make change a situation to the best". But

V. I. Trukhachev didn't get used to recede. Experience of the solution of complex problems and change situation to the best was got by Vladimir Ivanovich in operating time as the chairman of collective farm Chkalov of the Grachevsky area, the head of oil-cheese plant "Kugultinsky", the head of Grachevsky regional administration. In 16 years of the management of higher education institution V. I. Trukhachev managed not only to return, but also in hundreds of times to increase greatly glory of the best agrarian higher education institution of Russia.

By results of annual monitoring of efficiency of the educational organizations of the higher education which was carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of FSBEI HPE "The Stavropol state agrarian university" in 2011-2014 recognized by effective higher education institution. Now 91,2% of teachers of higher education institution have academic degrees and ranks. Average age of PPS – 39 years. Research and development volume counting on one scientific and pedagogical worker makes 143,63 thousand rubles. The total area of educational and laboratory rooms counting on one student – 16,93 sq.m. Number of citings in the Russian Index of Scientific Citing (RISC) counting on 100 NPR – 2401,13 pieces. Number of citings in Web of Science/Scopus counting on 100 NPR – 2,25 units of graduate employing – 97,5%.

Having shown exclusive organizing qualities, Vladimir Ivanovich created stable and strong team of adherents in higher education institution that allowed university to become in 2007 the winner of prestigious competition of the educational institutions of higher education in Russia introducing innovative programs within implementation of the priority national Education project.

In 2008 the University successfully finished realization of an innovative educational program "Innovative model of an educational and research and production cluster for formation of effective system of training of agrarian sector of economy". The grant of the national Education project allowed creating 48 innovative structural divisions, many of which on the equipment have no analogs in Russia. Among them – an educational and research and production agro- engineering complex, the regional center of veterinary medicine, the center of modeling of administrative technologies, laboratory of the inventory and land management, etc. The model of the perspective Russian university capable to extend the successful experience to other regions is created.

At university more than 18 500 thousand pupils (37 nationalities) according to 126 programs of the higher education, 417 programs of additional professional education are trained. For the last five years more than 8000 experts for agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation are trained. Annually on the basis of higher education institution more than 4500 heads and experts of all categories of the organizations and the enterprises of Stavropol Krai and North Caucasus federal district have vocational training (retraining) and professional development.

Under the leadership of Vladimir Ivanovich the structure and material base of the Stavropol GAU is constantly improved. Today the structure of university includes 9 faculties, 45 chairs, 83 innovative laboratories and the centers, Scientific library, institute of additional professional education, 49 small innovative enterprises, 4 hostels, 2 sports complexes, horse-racing school, 3 greenhouses, 2 vivariums. The property complex of higher education institution includes 119 objects of real estate with a total area of 158,3 thousand sq.m, 18 land plots with a total area of 9609,6 hectares as a part of the educational pilot farm equipped with modern agricultural machinery.

For the staff of university the housing estate on 167 apartments, the cost of 1 sq.m of the area - 14 thousand rubles is constructed.

In 2016 commissioning of the new case of the student's hostel is planned for 750 places (total area - 15 thousand sq.m). Construction of the educational and laboratory case of faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture (22,5 thousand sq.m) that will create in addition 1780 educational and 350 workplaces is conducted.

V. I. Trukhachev as the head, brought University to a stable level of development and economic growth. The average salary of the faculty in general on higher education institution grew twice since 2009 and makes 35 335 rubles. The university is one of the largest taxpayers in Stavropol Krai. Only in 2014, more than 171,7 million rubles of taxes are transferred into budget of the region. The balance cost of cars and the equipment makes 792,6 million rubles, including, cost acquired over the last 5 years – 668,2 million rubles.

In the period of an economic crisis the university didn't reduce, and increased volumes of social support of employees and students of higher education institution is a result of purposeful and responsible actions of V. I. Trukhachev, administration and the Academic Council of university which didn't spend resources, and saved up reserves for overcoming of economic adversities. For 2008-2015 in sanatoria of Caucasus Mineral Waters region 206 children of employees aged from 7 till 15 years have a rest. In 2012 in the territory of veterinary clinics opening of the sports EAR complex with a total area of 15000 sq.m. took place. It includes 2 volleyball and 2 basketball platforms, a field for five-a-side, 1 platform for a handball, 2 game fields for game in badminton, big football stadium with tribunes on 500 places. For 2008-2015 the university spent more than 70 million rubles for development and support of cultural and mass and sports work.

V. I. Trukhachev's merits in advance of Russian education, the Russian science and culture, upholding of national interests of Russia in the region, creation of new image of the Stavropol state agricultural university and Russia abroad are conventional. The university supports close contacts with colleagues from higher educational institutions of Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Belarus, etc. Now the higher education institution has 66 partner countries. From 2010 for 2015 more than 20 official visits of foreign partners and delegations to the Stavropol GAU took place.

The Stavropol state agrarian university - the member of the Great Charter of universities since 2008, and since 2009 - the member of the European Association of Universities of Natural Sciences uniting 62 agricultural and natural-science universities from 30 countries of Europe (from them only 3 higher education institutions from Russia). A main objective of Association is development of research and educational activity in the sphere of agriculture and adjacent spheres of science in Europe.

For 2010-2015 by university it is realized 56 international programs and projects. The international APOLLO, LOGO and DAAD programs, give opportunity to students of University to get acquainted with agriculture of Germany, the population, culture and life, and also to pass working and language practice. They became habitual for students of technological faculties of SSAU. The academic mobility of students and graduate students in comparison with 2009 grew by 45% and makes more than 2500 people in a year.

Since 2011 the Stavropol state agricultural university together with University Wageningen (Netherlands) realizes the international AgriMBA program (the Master of business administration).

Under the leadership of V. I. Trukhachev the university won a number of prestigious awards: The winner of a prize of the European competition of the Award EFQM for perfection (2013, 2010), the winner of competition of innovative higher education institutions within the priority national Education project (2007), twice the winner of an award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality (2005, 2011), twice the winner of an award of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "System of ensuring quality of training of specialists" (2005, 2010), the winner of the 3rd and 7th International tournaments on quality of the countries of the Central and Eastern Europe (2007, 2011), the winner of the competition CIS in the field of quality of production and services (2007), the Winner of the All-Russian competition "The Russian organization of high social efficiency (the competition GRAND PRIX, 2013).

Scientific activity.

V. I. Trukhachev made the significant contribution to development of science and practice by fundamental development in the field of feeding of farm animals, and also in formation of the theory of post-crisis development of the sphere of economy of Russia and its regions, in training of specialists for agro-industrial complex of the country.

The corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. I. Trukhachev since 1999 heads school of sciences "Stern and a metabolism" which work is directed on the solution of actual problems in the field of feeding of farm animals. Scientists develop feeding diets, scientifically based for specific conditions of farms, carry out the complex analysis of nutritious and biological active agents, and develop the scientifically based recommendations promoting increase in efficiency of farm animals and profitability of animal husbandry to 30-50%. Together with staff of chair of feeding of farm animals of university Vladimir Ivanovich gives highly professional scientific and advisory help to agricultural producers Foothill, Krasnogvardeysky, Kochubeevsky, Kirovsky, Trunovsky, Shpakovsky, Novoaleksandrovsky and other regions of Stavropol Krai. Technologies of feeding of animals which introduction allowed to increase gross production of milk practically by 5 thousand tons or for 46% at reduction of a livestock with 2600 to 2280 cows against improvement of quality of milk and increase in amount of protein and fat are developed for the producer of milk of collective farm, largest in the region, - a farm "Kazminsky" of the Kochubeevsky area. At the same time due to intensive cultivation it was succeeded to solve a problem of carrying out the first insemination of girls at the age of 14-16 months that allowed reducing costs of cultivation, earlier to receive their payback. The cumulative economic effect of introduction of development of chair made 53,8 million rubles. From them 13,8 million rubles – grants for production of milk, and 40 million rubles – profit on its realization.

Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev made a discovery: "Natural communication between the live mass of warm-blooded organisms and environment air temperature, optimum for them", for what was awarded the Gold medal to "The author of a discovery" of P. L. Kapitsa.

Scientists of university under the leadership of Professor V. I. Trukhachev carry out researches by request of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in the actual direction "Ensuring Import Substitution in Animal Husbandry (Genetic Material)". In 2014 at research of genes of efficiency of animals for the first time in the world studying of structure of genes of meat efficiency at 5 breeds of sheep of domestic selection is carried out. Unique options of genes which don't meet at other breeds of sheep in the world are revealed. On the basis of the obtained extensive data the DNA chip which will allow determining the breeding value of an animal at early age will be developed that in turn will accelerate selection process. In 2015 scientists of university realize the project on development of regional model of management of highly productive genetic resources of animal husbandry with search of ways of harmonization of results with the international requirements of ICAR that will promote in many respects revival of dairy animal husbandry of Russia.

Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev – the Russian scientist in the field of economy and management of agro-industrial complex, the organization of economic science. Vladimir Ivanovich heads school of sciences "Organizational and economic mechanism of management of agrarian production and multipurpose development of rural territories". The main directions of its researches are connected with reforming of the agrarian sphere of economy, studying of the reasons, forms of manifestation, consequences and ways of overcoming of agrarian crisis, innovative activity and introduction of innovations in agriculture, development of local rural government, a condition of the social and labor sphere of the village and the directions of its improvement.

Vigorous educational, research, scientific and technical and innovative activity of V. I. Trukhachev promotes social and economic rural development of Stavropol Territory and North Caucasus federal district. Under its scientific management strategy of development of agro-industrial complex of Stavropol Krai for the period to 2020 is developed, monitoring of a condition of the social and labor sphere of the village is carried out and offers on its regulation are developed; researches on improvement of the state support of agriculture are conducted, recommendations about optimization of the land relations in agro-industrial complex, to increase of stability of agricultural production and regulation of the agrarian markets are developed. Now introduction scientifically based the biologizining of systems of agriculture which will unite in a uniform complex agriculture, a forage production and animal husbandry is carried out.

Professor V. I. Trukhachev combines research activity with scientific and pedagogical work, under his scientific management 7 doctor's and 35 master's theses are defended.

V. I. Trukhachev – the chairman of an editorial board of the magazine of the Stavropol state agrarian university "Bulletin of agrarian and industrial complex of Stavropol Territory" who has an impact-factor in the Russian index of scientific citing RINTs 0,802; enters the international bases of citing AGRIS and Ulrichs Publishing. In May, 2015 the scientific and practical magazine "Bulletin of Agrarian and Industrial Complex of Stavropol Territory" was included into the updated List of the leading reviewed scientific magazines and editions approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Publishing activity.

Results of long-term researches of V. I. Trukhachev are published in tens books and hundreds of articles. He is the author of numerous scientific and educational publications and publications. Promptly replenished list of works of Vladimir Ivanovich totals has already more than 800 names, from them 40 monographs and more than 140 educational and methodical editions. More than 500 scientific works are published in magazines from the list of VAK, placed in collections of works and materials of conferences, printed in foreign magazines, the index international abstract Web of Science and Scopus databases, such as: Sustainability (Switzerland), American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, Life Science Journal, Biology and Medicine, etc.

Scientific and educational and methodical works of Vladimir Ivanovich repeatedly won the All-Russian competition "Agrarian Educational Book". In 2007 V. I. Trukhachev is awarded by diplomas of the I degree of the winner of the III All-Russian competition "The Agrarian Educational Book — 2007" for the monograph "Feeding of Farm Animals in the North Caucasus" and the manual "Finance in Questions and Answers". In 2014 - the diploma of the VI All-Russian competition "Agrarian Educational Book" in the nomination "Expressiveness and Availability" for the textbook "Sherstovedeniye" in the Zootechnics and Veterinary Science direction.

Testifies that fact to a demand of scientific publications of Professor V. I. Trukhachev that more than 4 thousand times Vladimir Ivanovich's works were quoted by the Russian and foreign editions. Made value of a scientometric indicator of an index of Hirsh 32 (May, 2015).

By results of the rating of the most quoted scientists of Russia which is annually made by Scientific electronic library - "TOP 100 of the most quoted Russian scientists according to RINTs" - Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev holds the top places of a rating in the thematic headings "Rural and Forestry" and "Economy and Economic Sciences".

Deputy activity.

Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev is widely known in Stavropol Krai and Russia public as the statesman. Vladimir Ivanovich combines hard work on a post of the Rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university with vigorous deputy activity. Since 2007 he was the deputy of the State Duma of Stavropol Krai. In 2011 it is elected the deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai of the fifth convocation on the one-mandatory constituency No. 18 – Grachevsky and Petrovsky municipal areas, he was a member of the State Duma Agriculture Committee of food, land relations and land management. Trukhachev V. I. also is engaged in legislative activity, consistently and persistently defends interests of education, science and agro-industrial complex of Krai. His active participation laws, important for Stavropol Krai, were developed and adopted. Among them: Laws of Stavropol Krai "About education", "About the main directions of policy of Stavropol Krai on providing the population with bread", "About the state support of gardening, market-gardening and country noncommercial associations of citizens in Stavropol Krai", "About some questions of regulation of the land relations" and others.

As the deputy – the single-mandate MP, Trukhachev V. I. helps with implementation of plans of social and economic development of municipalities of the district, gives to regional authorities support in receiving additional federal and regional financial support.

So, for 2012-2015 with his assistance it was much made for strengthening of material resources of establishments of the social sphere: accident rate of municipal budgetary educational institution of lyceum No. 3 of the city of Svetlograd of the Petrovsky area and municipal state educational institution of high school No. 8 of the village of Tuguluk of the Grachyovsky area is liquidated; replacement of window blocks at the majority of comprehensive schools of the constituency is made and capital repairs of gyms of high schools No. 6 of the village Gofitsky and No. 18 of the village of Shangala of the Petrovsky area, No. 1 of the village of Grachyovka and No. 3 of the village of Kugulta of the Grachyovsky area, and also Staromaryevsky medical out-patient clinic, Spitsevsky local hospital, offices and policlinic of Grachyovsky regional hospital are carried out. On its initiative municipal budgetary preschool educational institution the kindergarten No. 2 of the village of Beshpagir of the Grachyovsky area and municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 33 "Alyonka" of the city of Svetlograd of the Petrovsky area became federal internship platforms on the subject "Modernization of Municipal System of Preschool Education" and received the modern multimedia, gaming and sports equipment, educational and methodical grants to the sum about 12 million rubles.

In all comprehensive schools of Petrovsky and Grachyovsky areas, the computer equipment and sports equipment were transferred to the public budgetary educational institution of secondary professional education "Svetlogradsky regional agricultural college" and the public budgetary educational institution of secondary professional education "Svetlogradsky teacher training college", correctional boarding schools in the village Konstantinovskoye of the Petrovsky area and the farm Basic the Grachyovsky area. In large settlements of the constituency 30 children's playgrounds, and in the villages of Beshpagir, Kugulta of the Grachyovsky area and the village Fertile the Petrovsky area – complex sports grounds are equipped.

In the Grachevsky area due to opening in kindergartens of 19 new groups on 450 places all children from three to seven years have now opportunity to get preschool education. In the Petrovsky area for the last three years two new kindergartens in the city of Svetlograda on 360 places opened, construction of the third kindergarten on 280 places is conducted. There were also new groups in kindergartens of villages Fertile and Dry the Buffalo of the Petrovsky area. By 2016 the sequence on transfer of children in municipal preschool educational institutions in the Petrovsky area will also be liquidated.

Vladimir Ivanovich gave real help and support of municipalities of the district to administrations in receiving financial means to start works on the prevention of flooding of farmsteads of residents of the village. The Don Beam, the organizations of works on construction and repair of the bringing and parting water supply systems in the territory of municipalities of the village of Beshpagir, the Don-Balkovsky, Spitsevsky and Red Village Councils, the cities of Svetlograd, modernizations and reconstruction of systems of street lighting in many settlements of the district.

The regional parliamentarian helps administrations and Councils of Petrovsky and Grachevsky municipal areas with advance and implementation of various investment projects in their territories. It promoted allocation of subsidies to municipalities at the expense of means of road fund of Stavropol Krai. As a result for 2 years domestic territories of apartment houses, and also drives to them on 51 objects in were repaired by Svetlograd. Only for 2014 repair of a street road network in five municipalities of the Grachevsky area (the village of Tuguluk, Kugultinsky, Sergiyevsky, Spitsevsky, Staromaryevsky the Village Councils) and four – Petrovsky (the city of Svetlograd, villages and Sukhaya Buivola , Konstantinovsky village council) for the total amount of 40 million rubles is carried out. A lot of things are made of the listed according to written and oral addresses of voters.

In all comprehensive schools of Perovsky and Grachyovsky areas, the computer equipment and a sports equipment were transferred to the public budgetary educational institution of secondary professional education "Svetlogradsky regional agricultural college" and the public budgetary educational institution of secondary professional education "Svetlogradsky teacher training college", correctional boarding schools in the village of Konstantinovsk of the Petrovsky area and the farm Basic the Grachyovsky area. In large settlements of the constituency 30 children's playgrounds, and in the villages of Beshpagir, Kugulta of the Grachyovsky area and the village Fertile the Petrovsky area – complex sports grounds are equipped.

In the Grachevsky area due to opening in kindergartens of 19 new groups on 450 places all children from three to seven years have now opportunity to get preschool education. In the Petrovsky area for the last three years two new kindergartens in the city of Svetlograda on 360 places opened, construction of the third kindergarten on 280 places is conducted. There were also new groups in kindergartens of villages Fertile and Dry the Buffalo of the Petrovsky area. By 2016 the sequence on transfer of children in municipal preschool educational institutions in the Petrovsky area will also be liquidated.

Vladimir Ivanovich gave real help and support of municipalities of the district to administrations in receiving financial means to start works on the prevention of flooding of farmsteads of residents of the village. The Don Beam, the organizations of works on construction and repair of the bringing and parting water supply systems in the territory of municipalities of the village of Beshpagir, the Don-Balkovsky, Spitsevsky and Red Village Councils, the cities of Svetlograda, modernizations and reconstruction of systems of street lighting in many settlements of the district.

The regional parliamentarian helps administrations and Councils of Petrovsky and Grachevsky municipal areas with advance and implementation of various investment projects in their territories. It promoted allocation of subsidies to municipalities at the expense of means of road fund of Stavropol Krai. As a result for 2 years domestic territories of apartment houses, and also drives to them on 51 objects in were repaired by Svetlograde. Only for 2014 repair of a street road network in five municipalities of the Grachevsky area (the village of Tuguluk, Kugultinsky, Sergiyevsky, Spitsevsky, Staromaryevsky Village Councils) and four – Petrovsky (the city of Svetlograd, villages Blagodatnoye and Dry the Buffalo, Konstantinovsky village council) for the total amount of 40 million rubles is carried out. A lot of things are made of the listed according to written and oral addresses of voters.

V. I. Trukhachev helps residents of the district with the solution of their personal problems: organizations of treatment, employment, improvement of living conditions, social service, etc.

In 2014 V. I. Trukhachev headed Headquarters of public support of V. V. Vladimirov during election campaign at elections of the governor of Stavropol Krai.

Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev – the integral and many-sided personality. He has a deserved authority and sincere respect of everybody who knows him well. And indicators of its administrative, educational, research, innovative and public work testify to high insistence to himself, professional competence and main talent of the manager – ability to reach high personal results and to lead to success of others. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.07.2015
Номер новости для фото:  1

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