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News of admission campaign: the first orders of enrollment


July 30, 2015 on the site of Stavropol State Agrarian University were published the first orders for the enrollment of 137 students. Among them there are 31 people that came within range of the special rights and 106 people within the quota of target enrollment.

Remember, that this year the university offers to applicants more than 900 budgetary places for training bachelors and specialties and more than 130 places for masters.

On 4th of August on website of Agricultural University will be issued an order of admission of applicants included in the list of the first stage and submitted within the prescribed period the original document. And on 7 of August the glad tidings of enrolling at Stavropol State Agrarian University will receive applicants, included in the lists of the second stage.

However, the University continue admission campaign for distance learning. Documents can be submitted until 10 of August. 

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