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"Mashuk - 2015": ideas, projects, creativity


VI North Caucasian Youth Forum "Mashuk - 2015" finished its work, in which students and graduate students of Stavropol State Agrarian University took an active part. In general the Forum brought together more than two thousand activists. The aim of this large-scale event is to promote the disclosure of the potential of youth of the North Caucasus providing tools and opportunities for political and ethno-cultural development of the subjects of the North Caucasian Federal District and Russia as a whole. Organizers of the forum are Office of the Plenipotentiary of the RF President in the North Caucasian Federal District, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. On the opening day, "Mashuk" was visited by officials from all regions of the district and the presidential envoy in the NCFD Sergey Malikov. The dialogue with the participants was open and constructive.

The Forum was held in two stages. The first phase was devoted to: "Civil Initiative", "Patriotic Education", "Volunteering"; the second stage: "Information Space", "Business", "Innovation and scientific and technical creativity." The training program was very intense and meaningful. It should be noted that this year it included a block of the training of personal growth. Ambitious young boys and girls developed their creativity, stress stability, learned to manage time, to understand the crises.

Every day was exciting for the participants. Projects were defended in a new format - publicly. Speaking time was limited - 3 minutes for the presentation and 2 minutes for discussion. "The person who presents his project before a large audience, - said the representative of the Republic of Dagestan Abdulbasyr Gurbanov - takes a great responsibility for his work - for the project implementation in the future and the use of the grant for other purposes." And besides, it would benefit the participants, will develop their ability to confidently position themselves to the public and to objectively evaluate the work of others, to find support and learn to properly respond to the criticism. There were presented about a thousand different projects.

In 2014, one of the winners was a project created under the direction of a graduate student of Stavropol State Agrarian University of Ivan Chuksin "Innosad." This year, in one of the pavilions in the forum territory visitors could meet with Ivan, his team, as well as the unique technology of growing plants. The project aims at promoting the innovative agricultural technologies among young people. It is based on the use of innovative aeroponic technology of plant growing that can significantly accelerate the growth and survival of plants. The essence of the procedure is as follows - the roots of the plants are supplied with nutrients by means of an aerosol mist, and the plant itself is in the air without the use of soil. How efficient is the technology? It allows a much shorter period of time to implement projects to create parks, gardens and "green" framesof settlements. The idea of the authors is really of great practical importance. But whose projects will receive a grant this year will be announced in the near future.

Every day of "Mashuk" ended with a cultural and entertainment program. Traditionally there were held meetings with famous people: politicians, public figures, musicians, actors, humorists, athletes. It was important for young people to learn what values are more important to the people who have achieved success and recognition in society, how they live, what they think and what they care about.

Closing the forum was solemn and bright. Participants and organizers have summed up the joint fruitful work. After that, all expected incendiary dance lessons from well-known world-class dancer, the champion of Moscow on the Latin American dances Evgeny Papunaishvili. No one could resist, a flash mob from the guest of honor was the warm-up before the meeting with the famous Russian rock band "BI-2". The holiday ended with a fun humorous program. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.08.2015
Номер новости для фото:  1

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