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Congratulations of Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University on The Knowledge Day

 Congratulations of Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University on The Knowledge Day

 Dear students and teachers!

I congratulate you on holiday - the Knowledge Day!

The Knowledge Day is a joyful, exciting holiday that is remembered for many, many years, from this day begins the most beautiful and unforgettable time youth - student time. This particular phase in life, full of romance, love, fun adventure, new friends and a variety of events! And this day is a symbol of good beginnings, daring experiments, and achievements! Learn and acquire knowledge are the eternal human needs, which brings civilization to a new level of development. Therefore, we are doing everything necessary to ensure that students of our high school can get in- depth knowledge, realize their talents, make friends with the sport, become real patriots of the city and beloved homeland. There is not one area of activity, where there is no demand in-depth knowledge.

Turning to the freshmen, I want to say it's good that you have decided to study at Stavropol State Agrarian University! The University is widely known in the country and abroad by high quality undergraduate and advanced scientific achievements, which are marked by high awards, including the Prize of the Russian Government in the field of Quality Award of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "systems ensure the quality of training." SSAU twice declared the winner of the International Quality Tournament of Central and Eastern Europe, and twice became the winner of the prestigious European competition for quality «Excellence Award» of European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM). You've come to the University, where the teaches are highly qualified, dedicated, including Academician of the Russian and international academies, doctors, scientists of world renown. They will help you to become true professionals, competitive specialists.

Our services are entitled to be proud of its students and teachers, inspire further discoveries, new development, scientific papers and strategic research.

I want to congratulate you on the start of the new school year! Wish you always luck in exams and fulfil the wildest dreams. I wish you an excellent study and fun student life! All your achievments start with the first of September!

Yours faithfully,

Rector of Stavropol State

Agricultural University,

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor,

Deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Territory,

Hero of Labor of Stavropol,

Honorary Citizen of the Stavropol Region, V.I. Trukhachev 

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