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Current youth issues discussed at the student forum


The Delegation of Stavropol State Agrarian University visited the All-Russian Student Forum in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Among the representatives there were the activists of the university student government Nikolai Golovin, Roman Shabanov, Andrei Nazarenko, Vladimir Nikulin, Ilya Stelmakhov, Ekaterina Svetlichnaya, Inna Kuliyeva. The forum was attended by more than 2,000 student activists from 400 higher educational institutions of the Russian regions and 11 countries of the CIS and far abroad. The organizers were the Ministry of Education and Science, Government of Rostov region, South Federal University.

Within three days, the participants discussed the most topical issues of concern to students. The forum was based on 15 thematic areas. The participants met with leading experts of education and youth policy, government representatives, political scientists, economists, psychologists and experts. There were presented the best student projects selected in absentia competition of the All-Russian Forum. The participant of our delegation Inna Kuliyeva presented in the thematic area "Intercultural Dialogue" her project "Caucasus - our common home" which belongs to the top ten of Russia. The description of the project will enter the collection of the best undergraduate programs, which will subsequently be sent to all universities of the country.

In addition to the serious content of the official program for the participants there was organized an exciting cultural program. Students visited various creative exhibitions, field kitchen, a flash mob "St. George Ribbon", drum show "The Russian flag", made trips on the boat on the river Don and around historical places of the city of Rostov-on-Don. On the final day our students took part in the All-Russian student athletics dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Participants ran 14 kilometers.

The result of the forum was the development of a federal strategy for the development of activities of student organizations aimed at the creation of new conditions for professional, creative, and social self-realization of students.

Дата новости для фото:  09.09.2015
Номер новости для фото:  6

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