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Congratulations to the 85th Anniversary of SSAU from the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Alexander Tkachev


Rector of SSAU, professor V. I. Trukhachev and all the staff of the University received congratulations on the 85th Anniversary from the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Alexander Tkachev. The letter says: "Dear colleagues! On behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation heartily congratulate the staff, post graduates and students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University's with the 85th Anniversary since its foundation!

On these festive days we pay tribute to all who stood at the origins of the University and for many years had been working successfully for the Fatherland glory.

Your tireless work, aimed at the solution of problems of the agricultural sector, has earned a deserved authority and respect to the teaching staff not only in the Stavropol region, but also far beyond its borders.

We can rightfully be proud of the history of the University, which is inseparably linked with the life of the country. Starting its way back to 1930, the University has assumed the responsibility for training for the agro-industrial complex of the country, year after year, contributing to the development of agricultural education in the province, to improve the skills of managers and specialists of agricultural and processing enterprises.

Today Stavropol State Agrarian University is a center of innovation and research activity in the region.

Thorough work of the teaching staff aimed at improving the quality of the educational process, constant creative search, the creation of new scientific schools and directions, the formation of a new generation of Russian farmers brought success to the University and helped to receive high state awards.

I express deep appreciation to all the staff of the University's for the work and hope that you will continue to multiply the glorious traditions of the higher school, to be in the forefront of agricultural education.

I sincerely wish you, dear friends, good health for many years, happiness, great happiness and success in scientific and educational activities!" 

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