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Professional training standards


Professor, Department of Private animal husbandry and breeding E. Epimahova and Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Therapy I. Kireev took part in the seminar, which was devoted to the problems of development of Professional Standards in the Russian Federation. The event was held in Moscow, National Research University "Higher School of Economics' (HSE).

The participants of the seminar were Director of Development of Professional Standards Research Institute of Labour and Social Insurance, I. Voloshin, Deputy of the National Council for Vocational Qualifications of the President of the Russian Federation, Vice-President of All-Russian public organization "Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs" F. Prokopov, director of educational projects of RUSNANO G. Gumerova, the representative of JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation" M. Danilchenko, head methodical center of Directorate of basic educational programs of HSE A. Serova.

E. Epimahova and I. Kireev presented the draft professional standards on breeder of livestock breeding and veterinary paramedic, which are currently being developed in Stavropol State Agrarian University on the basis of the agreement concluded with the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. They told the participants about the main approaches to the preparation of such legal acts. 

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