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SSAU is recognized as the leader of agrarian education in Russia


The Stavropol state agrarian university took the 15th place in a rating of higher education institutions of Vladimir Potanin’s Charity foundation following the results of 2014-2015 academic years. In comparison with results of last rating SSAU has got at once 35th position (from the 50th place) and become the best agrarian higher education institution of the country. Also according to results of a rating the Stavropol SAU is ahead of 6 federal and 12 national research universities and takes the highest position among higher education institutions of Stavropol Krai.

The rating displays the generalized expert assessment of achievements which are shown by the representatives of universities participating in Foundation programs– both students, and teachers. It is estimated I.Q. level and erudition of students of higher education institutions, degree of susceptibility to new things, active living position, desire to develop – the qualities of high competitiveness of graduates, and also attention level to teaching stuff in higher education institution.

In 2015 75 higher educational institutions became participants of this rating. The assessment of experts was based on the analysis more than 2,5 thousand student's competitive applications, and also 629 applications from teachers. The rating of higher educational institutions according to Charity foundation of V. Potanin is published annually since 2004 and is one of the most authoritative independent estimates of training quality in the Russian higher education institutions.

The Stavropol state agrarian university participates in the scholarship program of Potanin’s Foundation for more than ten years and the result reached this year – the highest one for all history of its participation in this program. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.09.2015
Номер новости для фото:  5

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