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The program of internship is open in a bank sphere


On September, 29 on Registration-financial faculty a joint project was started with one of the largest private banks of Russia − Alpha-bank. It contains a set of the unique programs of internship in a bank sphere "Vector to Alfa".

Within the framework of project the students of direction"Economy” get possibility to pass the stage-by-stage training on the base of bank subdivisions. It includes theoretical and practical preparation, training and master-classs of leading specialists.

Upon completion of the program the students will be able to understand various directions of bank business. And the best participants according to the results of the program can get suggestion to work. Duration of the program − 1 month. May be combination with studies.

The co-ordinator of project from the bank is a trainer on the corporate education Maria Yuriyevna Polyakova, from the faculty - the Dean, Doctor of economic sciences, professor Elena Ivanovna Kostukova and manager of the department Financial management - Yulia Mikhailovna Sclyarova. 

Дата новости для фото:  30.09.2015
Номер новости для фото:  5

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