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Preventive talk with first-year students


One of the priority directions of educational work in higher education institution are the issues of prevention administrative and criminal offences. With this aim on 30th of September in the auditorium of the University was organized the legal conversation with the first-year students on topic "Administrative responsibility for offenses committed by teen-agers" was organized. In the talk the inspector of Department on Affairs of teen-agers from Police Department № 1 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Stavropol Region Lieutenant Yegor Vladimirovich Fedotov told the students about administrative and criminal liability. Special emphasis was placed on prevention of violations of public order, commit fraud, suppress risk of committing socially dangerous acts by young people. The meeting was continued by Anna Sergeevna Rudich, specialist-expert of Control Department in NPIs the Main Directorate of the Ministry of justice of Russia for the Stavropol territory. Addressing the students, it highlighted the extreme social danger of spreading the ideology of extremism, told the audience about the methods of youth involvement in radical Islamist circles and how to confront them. Such conversations contributes to the increase of legal knowledge, prevention of offenses among student's youth by means of formation their legal culture, the education of legal consciousness, and also allows you to create a safe environment for life. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.10.2015
Номер новости для фото:  3

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