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Competition for the title of best student of Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine of the best"


The results of the competition for the title of best student of Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine of the best" in September.

"Nine of the best" - this is a competition to identify the best students who have shown outstanding results in studying, research, social, cultural, creative and sports life of the university. During the assessing it was taken into account special achievements in the development of programs of higher education, scientific research, the results of extracurricular activities.

The best students in September 2015 were:

Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources

MARINA PANPURINA – 3rd year student, excellent student, the deputy mayor of the academic group. Marina is medalist of gathering of student production teams in the competition "Grower". Officer of Dean's Office of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources. Participant and organizer of many artistic and cultural events on the faculty, at the university. A member of the student group "Care", which is a patron of children's home № 12 named after Zatsepin, a children's shelter "Rosinka" (Stavropol), a children's shelter in Bazovy, correcting school number 14 in villsge Konstantinovsky. Author of scientific articles.

Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture

JULIA KOLISNICHENKO - 2nd year student, excellent student. An active participant in studying, research, sports and social life of the faculty, and the university. Master of Sports of Russia close fight, a member of the University Boxing team. Multiple winner and prize-winner of competitions at various levels: municipal, regional, regional and nationwide. Silver medalist of Russia in fighting (2014). Participant sports, patriotic and social events. Brigadier of "Ozelenitel" group.

Veterinary Medicine Faculty

NICHOLAY CHRISTOFOROV – 5th year student, excellent students. Responsible for the activities of the vocal group at the faculty. Winner of I degree of vocal competition "Sochi. Art. Peace". He takes an active part in all the creative, cultural events of the university, faculty, city and region. A member of the student group "Dr. Doolittle". Winner of urban vocal competitions. Representative of the faculty in competitions: "Student Spring", "Young Talents", "Mr. and Miss of University" (2012-2015 gg.), "Soldier envelope", "Golden Voice of SSAU - 2015", "Star-like talents - 2015" , Open day;

Technological Management Faculty

VERONICA MELENTYEVA –3rd year student, excellent student, chairman of the educational committee of the faculty, a member of the Student Council on the university education quality, the student council of hostel number 6 (elder of 8th floor). A member of the volunteer group "Vlada". Participant of ecological actions "Clean City", "Spring Green" program of the University "for a healthy lifestyle." Organizer of creative and social activities at the faculty.

Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism

CATHERINE ANANIKOVA – 2nd year student, a member of the trade union committee of SSAU, group "Dream", the student dean of the faculty and the curator of the first course. The organizer and active participant in the scientific and cultural events at the university, the city, the territory: the Open Day, the All-Russian meeting of educational and production teams, trainings day, school student union activists, "Young Talents", "Student Spring" and others. Participant in the city and Russian campaign "Immortal regiment", "Candle of Memory", National Flag Day of the Russian Federation, and others. The leader of the Student Forum SSAU "growth trajectory" in 2015. For active participation in the life of the faculty awarded certificates and a certificate of merit. Author of scientific articles

Accounting and Finance Faculty

JULIA KARNAUHOVA – 4th year student. Participant of the university dance group "stylish things", the winner of I degree of XXI regional festival "Student Spring of Stavropol - 2015", the winner of the III degree of student open festival creativity of higher educational institutions of Russian Ministry of Agriculture «On the banks of the Moscow River." An active participant in university and city competitions dedicated to the Fatherland Defender's Day, International Women's Day, New Year, Carnival and others. Winner intrahigh of competitions and festivals: "Young Talents", "Placer talent." Author of scientific articles.

Faculty of Economics

JULIA BLINOVA– 3rd year student, excellent student, scholarship nominal governor of the Stavropol region, the chairman of the Student Committee for the quality of education at the Faculty of Economics, the deputy mayor, the author of scientific papers. He takes an active part in the preparation and conducting of university, city, regional and all-Russian activities, "Banner of Victory" Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation, the Day of Knowledge, the forums "Growth Trajectory", "You are Entrepreneur", scientific-practical conference "The regional model of the determinants Economy and marketing ", holds conferences, progress reports. She has diplomas, certificates and letters of thanks of administration of Stavropol, SSAU, the center of education quality management. For outstanding achievements in studies, research work and public life of the university awarded the medal "Glory and pride of the university."

Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization

ANDREI KUDRYASHOV – 3rd year student, excellent student, the Student Vice Dean for Academic Affairs. Co-author of two scientific articles. He participated in exhibitions: "Agrouniversal" (2014-2015.). A member of specialized student group "Kolos" and the student union committee SSAU. Active organizers and participants of various sports, artistic and cultural events at the university, "Young Talents", "Student Spring", "Mashuk", "Carnival", "Christmas in every home", the Day of Knowledge. Member of the step-group «Golden Foxes». Member of the 78th Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Young Agrarians of Stavropol." Winner of 2 degree of 23th regional festival-contest "Student Spring of Stavropol - 2015". Member of the 3rd Festival of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation "On the banks of the Moscow River." For outstanding achievements in studying, research and public activities was awarded a medal "Glory and pride of the University" medal for the anniversary of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization.

Electricity Department

DMITRY SOBOLEV – 3rd year student, excellent student. Member of international scientific conferences, competition "UMNIK - 2015". Author and co-author of 8 papers published in collections of scientific papers. He takes an active part in social and cultural life of the university: "Young Talents", School of trade union activists. Author and performer of 3 songs about Stavropol State Agrarian University.

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