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Registration of Ready for labor and defense on the official website is opened


Address www.gto.ru is opened registration for performance standards for sign Ready for Labor and Defense. To pass "Ready for labor and defense" in official testing centers can only have registered persons. Each participant is assigned a personal ID-number, which allows you to enroll in the nearest testing center, and view the results of tests carried out on the site in a mode on-line.Stages of implementation of the complex Ready for labor and defense regulated by order of the government of the Russian Federation on June 30, 2014 № 1165-r and divide the complex into Phase III:

Phase I (July 1, 2014 - December 31, 2015) - I-IV stage (schools, colleges, universities), 12 regions of the Russian Federation

Phase II (January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016) - I-IV stage (schools, colleges, universities) around the country, testing among the adult population;

Phase III (1 January 2017) - all the steps, all categories of the population, all regions of Russia. 

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