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Members of student labour detachment summed up at a meeting with plenipotentiaryги


The member of the student labour detachment "Masterok" of SSAU Alexey Vavilov took part in the meeting of labour detachment members with the presidential plenipotentiary in the North Caucasus Federal District S.A. Melikov. The meeting was held in Pyatigorsk.

Addressing the audience, Sergey Melikov noted the positive results of the youth work in this strategically important field: "I would like to congratulate you on the completion of the working season. It became a sort of revival stage of labour detachment movement in the North Caucasus and in our country as a whole, - said the plenipotentiary. - Of course, the main success of this season is the work on the main construction site of the century, as it is rightly characterized by our president. And it is an honour that you - the representatives of the North Caucasus - have contributed to the implementation of this large-scale project. You can truly be proud of it." At the meeting, the results of the summer labour semester of 2015 were discussed as well as the plans for the forthcoming period.

Alexey Vavilov worked as the detachment member on the All-Russian construction site of the cosmodrome "Vostochny" and plans to go there next year. We recall that 250 labour detachment members from different regions of the North Caucasus Federal District took part in the works at the site.

Дата новости для фото:  22.10.2015
Номер новости для фото:  1

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