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Participation in the work of the Russian National Students’ School for Quality Education


Representatives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University – the head of Department for development and implementation of quality management systems Olga f Tedisko and the chairmen of the students’ committee on quality of education Julia Blinova (Economics Faculty) and Tanya Romanetz (Veterinary medicine Faculty) – have been trained in Russian National Students’ School for Quality Education (Zelenogorsk, St. Petersburg). Representatives of the councils for the quality of about 40 Russian universities took part in the work of the School. The experts were the Head of the Commission on Education Quality Council of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation on Youth Affairs Anthony Schwindt, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Russian public organization "Children and Youth social initiative" Sergey Tetersky, the representative of the all-Russian public movement "For quality education" Elena Kozak and others.

The main areas of work were discussion and formation of technologies of students ' participation in the process of improving the quality of education, mechanisms of interaction with employers the system of work between the educational organization and the enterprise, technology of professional self-determination of youth and students interaction with schoolchildren.

The training program included trainings, seminars, business games on the following topics: "Top 5 modern management tools to improve the quality of education: suggestions for use", "Student evaluation of education quality: evaluation criteria, evaluation mechanisms, “Competitiveness of University graduates on the labour market as a key indicator of quality education", "Technologies of inclusion: modern approaches", "Facilitation Tools: the organization of processes of communication and decision making in large groups".

According to the results of the School projects were student standard of education quality and the roadmap formed the key areas of student development commissions quality of education in Russian universities.

Дата новости для фото:  28.10.2015
Номер новости для фото:  12

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