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Manager’s Day at the Faculty of Economics


Lecturers of the Economic Faculty and Students’ trade Union Committee of SSAU held an interactive educational forum "Manager's Day", where students of direction "Management" (1-4 years) took part.

The event included workshops on the theme: "Partner on half a million", "Genesis of management thought", "To manage or to subject: a thorny path to a simple choice," "Modeling – intellectual tool in management", "Origins of self-management", "Eight stages of managerial skill", "Seven habits of highly developed personality". Students took an active part in master classes. They had been taught to conduct business negotiations, mastered the art of team management, reviewed the basics of time management, simulation as a key tool in management, and also learned about the main skills of personality development.

All the participants were awarded certificates.

Дата новости для фото:  30.10.2015
Номер новости для фото:  12

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