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Student talent from SSAU were evaluated by the masters of Russian culture


Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University have successfully performed the XVIII International festival-contest of young performers "Russian Union of talents" (Sochi). Our guys took prizes in the categories: "Pop singing ensemble" and "Pop singing." Tatyana Larina (Accounting and Finance Faculty) and the ensemble "Provence" awarded diplomas of winners of the I degree, Anna Gaivoronskaya (Accounting and Finance Faculty) - the diploma of the II degree, the studio "Joyce" - the diploma of the winner of the III degree. Also, the ensemble "Provence" awarded the prize "For the best stage image".

The contest was held by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as with the assistance of the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, the Union of Composers of Russia, RATA - GITIS, PAM Gnesin, the Moscow State Institute of Music named after Alfred Schnitke, Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. It was attended by art groups from 28 regions of Russia, as well as artists from Estonia and the Republic of Belarus.

The jury vocal and choreography included Honored Artist of Russia, professor, academician, Doctor of Arts, a world-class experts in choreography, composers, poets, singers, actors and professional directors, producers.

This year competition received the symbolic title of "Stairway to Heaven." It says that each of the participants came to the festival has become one step closer to his dream.

Дата новости для фото:  06.11.2015
Номер новости для фото:  2

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