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I will not leave KVN - I will be eternally young!


 Two commands of the agrarian university: “Khali- Gali” and “Karate” - fought for passing into the final of Stavropol student league KVN. In the semi-final the rivals of merry and resourceful of our university they were 11 commands from StSMU, SCFU, IFPC and StSAU. 

This is - KVN style, image of life. It helps to look at all life confusions easily and unconstrainedly. For each, who at least one time came into contact with this surprising game, KVN leaves in the life its personal and unique track. Therefore in the hall, where commands competed, there were no free places, and the unique atmosphere of laughter and humor reigned. Game passed in 3sets: greeting, limbering-up and musical freestyle. As a result the command KVN “Karate” took the second place and ensured to itself participation in the main game of season. The victory of our command became happiness not only for children, but also for their fans, who harmoniously supported their favorites. The final of Stavropol student league KVN will pass in December. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.11.2015
Номер новости для фото:  4

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