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Always be the first!


On 10th of November the Rector of the SSAU, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev met with the creative active membership of our university. The creative active membership of university – this is more than 600 boys and girls, who successfully combine studies with the participation in the amateur artistic activity, creative competitions and festivals. Into StSAU are created all necessary conditions – in the center of the aesthetical training of students works 21 creative departments. The students of Stavropol state agrarian university yearly demonstrate the high level of craftsmanship in different forms of skills. Contact with the young people passes regularly, and the Rector of university is always ready to listen, to advice, to help. At the meeting the members of Rectorat, student trade-union active membership, the organizers of the cultural and mass work of departments, the leaders of the departments of the center of the aesthetical training of students were present. The form of the meeting was unconstrained, because of the sparkling humor of Vladimir Ivanovich and the sincere interest in the fact that today disturbs children, but at the same time dialogue has business and constructive character, it revealed achievements, and new tasks. Opening the meeting, Vladimir Ivanovich said: - Life of the students must be worthy, beautiful, bright, and I greatly want so that she would remain in your memory. If I do not want it, I would not initiate this meeting. I want each year in our large state by the name “agrarian university” something would change to the best side, it become differently… Our task is creating for you convenient, comfortable space so that you could live and learn in good conditions, with happiness demonstrating your creative successes, glorify our native university. Vladimir Ivanovich described to children about his student youth, he shared with recollections about 1999, when he approached the responsibilities of Rector, he noted that independent time in which lives the man, always must be the spiritual ideals of contemporary life. “Our University is famous by special atmosphere, which makes it possible to open the abilities of each student”, - Rector noted. The leader of the dancing association “Stylnye shtuchki” Elena Zubenko described the history of the creation of group, its achievements after 15 the years of creative activity. The laureate of All-Russian and international festivals, the soloist of the vocal studio “ Provans”, the student of 4th course of the financial faculty Tatiana Larina shared with impressions about the life of her association, the participation in the higher educational, urban, boundary cultural and mass fields. Students expressed the words of appreciation to Vladimir Ivanovich for the new ballet classes, rehearsal halls, stage suits, financial support of all creative projects. Only last year to center of the aesthetical training of students it was put 7,5 millions rubles. Only our University of the Region has such material and technical base”, - the Leader of center Ivan Maklakov said. The major part of the meeting was questions and answers. The Rector solved many sound-recording problems immediately, on certain he gave commissions to responsible people. Thus, without delay he resolved questions of the acquisition of sonic equipment for the Registry-financial faculty, the stage suits for the vocal studio “Anfas”, the installation of mirrors in the ballet class of the hostel №2, the creation of literary club, theatrical studio and many others. Not one question remained without the attention. In conclusion of the meeting Vladimir Ivanovich thanked all gathering people for the fact that their creative successes and high performer craftsmanship derive to the leading positions. Admonishing children, he said: - Student time is the most unforgettable part of the life. This is the time not only of the accumulation knowledge and life experience, but also disclosure of creative abilities. I desire you good mood, interesting active life, successes in the creation. We must everything manage, always be the first! 

Дата новости для фото:  11.11.2015
Номер новости для фото:  8

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