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Russian project "Training Day"


55 students of Agrarian University took part in the All-Russian project "Training Day." This is a project to help young people to acquire some useful professional skills. It is held in more than 30 regions of Russia, including the Stavropol region.

Within the framework of "Training Day," students of our University master classes step to success. However, the coach-trainers keep track of what is the key to success, structured patterns identified, studied step by step algorithm of actions to achieve success in their own lives.

During the training the students studied the causes of internal unmotivated, assorted methods of struggle with "excuses", self-organizing and encouraging yourself to take action.

Students farmers learned to practice the technique of gaming technology as an effective tool of work in education and personal development. They also met with popular applications and sites that help in achieving personal goals and expanding the boundaries of thinking.

With great interest the students called master class in which they studied the structure and types of social networks, their purpose and mission, the development of creative thinking methods for synthesis and compilation of content. At the training grounds, students discussed the topic of student government as the way to success, and other areas to achieve professional-communicative growth.

Modern agricultural production makes ever higher demands on communication training agrarian structure, which must be able to retrieve and use the information to communicate with different people, to convince partners in dialogue, quickly pour into the production team, adapt to new working conditions and regulate the relationship between people in the process of joint activities 

Дата новости для фото:  13.11.2015
Номер новости для фото:  14

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